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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthorsallyh
    • CommentTimeMar 25th 2013
    The next meeting for AECB Cymru will be at Bryn Y Ffynnon, Llanfihangel, Llanfyllin SY22 5JA, on April 13th 2013 starting at 10.30. Please note there is no mobile signal there, Sat Navs will try and take you too far up the lane, so when you set off up the single track lane watch out for a chapel on the left with green railings, the house is next on the right just past the chapel. The event is free but you need to book a place via AECB 0856 456 9773.

    The house is a typical 1980s cavity wall construction with minimal insulation standards, it has been extensively renovated to a high level of energy efficiency. Warmcel insulation has been installed in the walls and roof and the ground floor has also been re-built with close-centred underfloor heating over perlite insulation. The windows and doors are Ecoplus 3 (Uw ≈ 0.86 W/m2K) from the Green Building Store. The external wall insulation is clad in local western red cedar replacing the original cement render finish. The house is heated with a small ground source heat pump and also has a PV installation.

    The architect is Pat Borer, the builder is Ian Sneade, and they will be on hand to show you around the property and talk about what was done to the house, along with other companies involved with the project. The clients - Robin and Jane Emmerson will also be there to talk about their wishes for the house, the end result and what it was like to carry out this sort of work.

    Please note this is a private house so we would ask that all visitors respect their privacy and the property.

    Tea coffee and biscuits will be available for a small donation.

    Parking is a bit limited so we would urge you to lift share if at all possible, please contact the AECB if you can offer a lift or would like to share and we will put you in touch with each other.
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