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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthorzak99
    • CommentTimeJul 15th 2013 edited
    Hi All,

    Just saying hello. We have a 3 bed bungalow in Essex. 70's built so its cavity wall. We spent a lot of time recently considering a roof off & new trusses loft conversion but for one reason or another are opting for a much cheaper makeover and upgrade.

    Things we are interested in

    - external insulation and probably timber cladding. We had the cavity filled by Milfold under a grant some years back but we found that they only partially filled the cavity when we opened up a window.
    - Possible concrete floor insulation
    - possible budget Telebeam loft conversion
    - Replacing our old rubbish double glazing, we've bought a few C rated timber windows to go in (off ebay). Not the best but a vast improvement we hope.
    - We have an old worcester danesmoor oil boiler, its working ok but noisy, theres no gas near us unfortunately.
    - We have to do the groundwork outside as well, been considering mesh pavers for some of it.

    I spent last weekend insulating my workshop, with some supercheap celotex, only 35mm but better that nothing eh. Hoping to rebuild my old Triumph Bonneville in there next winter.

    that's it for now

    all the best


    Am I teaching you to suck eggs if I mention that you need Building Regs approval for your windows? It varies with the authority, but here in Sheffield it's a one-off £96 for up to 12 windows - but only if done all at the same time!

    Approve of the Bonnie!

    Good luck.

    • CommentTimeJul 15th 2013
    Welcome, the first 35mm of insulation does a lot more than the last 35mm.
    Posted By: Nick ParsonsApprove of the Bonnie!
    does the rebuild cure the oil leaks :bigsmile:
    Well it does until you put the oil in.....
    • CommentAuthorzak99
    • CommentTimeJul 16th 2013
    Thanks guys, I've been dreaming of a leak free Bonneville for over 30 years !! And tonight I've been laying under my very old and I'm afraid not very green Landcruiser trying to fix - oil leaks!!!

    Re the building regs approval, I have to admit, I put the french doors in the rear without approval, whats the likely impact if I don't get building regs approval, will it trip me up if or when I sell. I suppose I have no Fensa certs for starters.


    Fensa is a self-certifying body, so effectively you *get* Bldg Regs approval if you have a Fensa installer. If the installer (you!) is not Fensa reg'd, you need a Building Notice (the quick way of getting Bldg Regs approval). Yes, it could be a hiccup on selling. But if you have *complied* with the Regs (even if you did not *apply*), you could, if your purchaser's solicitor insists, apply for a 'Regularisation Certificate'. Fee, if I remember right, is Bldg Notice fee + 25-30%

    I'm trying to remember where Bonnies leaked from. Were push-rod tunnels a weak spot?
    • CommentAuthorDarylP
    • CommentTimeJul 16th 2013
    Yep, the push-rod tunnel seals, as the cases get hotter/cooled the gaskets got brittle(r) and failed...:cry:
    • CommentAuthorzak99
    • CommentTimeJul 16th 2013
    Ok thanks Nick.

    Push rod tube leaks were the bane of my life when the bonnie was on the road many moons ago. This time round I want to do it properly. I will have the advice of my friend who is an ace triumph man. I was visiting him in sweden a couple of weeks ago and he threw me the keys to his newly rebuilt concours 1965 t110. I had a very big smile on my face as I was flitting through the swedish forests. Not a hint of a leak afterwards.
    Still-vivid memory of inadvertently changing down, clutchless, at 90 on a Bonnie when I forgot it was right-foot gear-change!
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