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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    >And whilst carbon emissions might be amongst the lowest per capita in the EU, energy use is amongst the highest.

    Might that, like the Swedish road safety figures, be somewhat (ahem) distorted for comparisons by the small number of people in a very large space?

    Posted By: ferdinand2000>And whilst carbon emissions might be amongst the lowest per capita in the EU, energy use is amongst the highest.

    Might that, like the Swedish road safety figures, be somewhat (ahem) distorted for comparisons by the small number of people in a very large space?


    The figures are per capita, how would the low population density distort carbon emissions? If anything because of the greater distances to travel you might expect them to be higher rather than lower.

    As for the road safety figures, I believe a big contributor to that is the fact that there are very few roads here with speed limits above 70km/h where you have direct on coming traffic. Most A roads that aren't full dual carriageways have been converted to 2+1 with a steel barrier down the middle. Likewise road design here has eliminated almost all crossing or turning traffic except in urban areas.
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