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    • CommentAuthorSprocket
    • CommentTimeDec 26th 2014
    Mentioned in newsletter from Elektor magazine this morning

    206x156 resolution (similar ball-park to $1500 thermal imagers)
    Versions for iOS and Android phones.
    Only $199.


    I notice it says:-

    Vanadium Oxide microbolometer
    Chalcogenide lens

    I think the typical $1000-$2000 kit from Fluke uses silicon sensors and germanium lenses and I assume Flir is similar too?

    Any thoughts on what the catch is or whether this is likely to be any good?
    • CommentAuthorringi
    • CommentTimeDec 26th 2014
    Depends what you using it for,

    I don't think it will allow you to find the lighting cables in your walls by looking for their heat output.

    Likewise I expect you will not be able to see if a golf club scape the ground while someone took a shot.

    The systems I wrote software for over 10 years ago could do both of the above, but they cost more then most new cars!
    • CommentAuthorEd Davies
    • CommentTimeDec 26th 2014
    Connecting a thermal camera to a projector:


    It's possible to get hand-held projectors, I believe.
    Someone got one and posted example pics to the end of the FLIR thread

    • CommentAuthorPaul_B
    • CommentTimeJan 4th 2015
    On a similar vane to I wonder if anyone is doing this with a Microsoft Kinect device, this has an array of IR projectors and cameras. In the video below from MS Research they show what is possible with the sensor array, big data and machine learning. Even if the these devices are not capable of the same output as a dedicated FLIR then as they get closer at a significantly lower cost won't this naturally pull down the price of dedicated units which means they are more feasible to purchase?

    Inside the brains of Xbox One Kinect

    Behind the eyes of Xbox One Kinect

    • CommentAuthorEd Davies
    • CommentTimeJan 4th 2015
    According to:


    the Kinect depth uses a CMOS sensor for IR so it will be short-wave (i.e, near) infrared. Totally useless for heat sensing:

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