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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
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    • CommentAuthorsplashie
    • CommentTimeApr 29th 2015

    This might be a bit last min for you guys, but I can find nothing online to help me.

    Got to put in the MHRV outlet / supply roof vents in tomorrow and it's still unclear if I need to be a certain spacing from a window in the manner you do for a soil pile vent.

    As far as I can work out my two vents need to be 1m apart edge to edge, and I'm keeping them as far from the soil vent as I can (approx 1.5 or more higher up the roof)

    If you do have any thoughts or can signpost me to regs feel free to share!

    many thanks
    • CommentAuthorEd Davies
    • CommentTimeApr 29th 2015 edited
    Try BRE Digest 398 which has a few paragraphs on vent positioning. It was available online (borpin referenced it a while back) but that copy's gone. Couldn't immediately find another. Don't really want to post the whole thing here as I think you're supposed to pay for it but relevant paragraphs:
    The contributions previously all said aim for 2m. I managed 180 odd and I angled my vents at 45 deg away from each other. 1m feels like the minimum I would imagine working without confliction. My primary point though is don't underestimate the noise the external vents might make. I didn't put attenuators in mine and on boost they sound like not that far distant jet engines - there is no way you would have an open window near when mine is on boost - just something (else) to think about. :wink:
    • CommentAuthorCWatters
    • CommentTimeMay 1st 2015
    Make sure the incoming vent is upwind of your boiler flue.
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