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    Hi guys, I know another EWI insulation question :)

    We are adding 200mm of EPS insulation to back of our ICF extension where we only have 60mm on outside. Looking at sourcing the EPS and I see special EWI External Classic board from Jablite which comes in 1200x600. Spoke to QuinnTherm, they don't sell a specific product to end customers for EWI but system providers order there EPS 100 & Pearl 100, again cut up in 1200x600 size.

    For our application it would seem 1200x2400 sheets would be better and I suspect cheaper as its standard board. Quinn and Jablite both admitted its exactly the same board nothing special for EWI. Has anyone done this, is there good reason installers use the smaller boards, its all pre-aged so shouldnt be issues with shrinking? I guess it maybe simply difficult to ensure proper fixing etc of big boards?

    • CommentAuthorDarylP
    • CommentTimeJun 10th 2015
    ....imagine lugging the 8' x 4' sheets up ladders and around scaffold?
    The smaller boards are designed for ease of use.
    Good luck:smile:
    Also think of ceramic tiles - smaller tiles are easier to contour to the background. - it's the same with insulation; and thicker boards are particularly in flexible
    Cheers guys, I see what you are saying, I was just thinking about minimising the joints between boards.
    Posted By: Phil.Chaddah-DukeCheers guys, I see what you are saying, I was just thinking about minimising the joints between boards.

    Yes I have had the same thoughts about cavity wall insulation..... I suppose if you had a VERY flat surface it would work
    Just phoning around to get some EWI materials from insulation wholersalers . It was like a bit like I was talking
    astrophysics to them. I see things haven't change much !
    anyone know a branch near London that is familiar with EWI and holds stock
    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2015
    Do they ever hold stock, what with 'ageing' of the giant manufactured block before it's sliced up to order? Like seasoning baulk timber so all distortion happens before cutting to final size.
    • CommentAuthorDarylP
    • CommentTimeJun 19th 2015
    James, try Encon or Minster, they usually have stock, and are a little more clued-up than most..

    Good luck...:confused:
    • CommentTimeJun 19th 2015
    Really? For me, Encon always get it made to order.
    • CommentAuthorDarylP
    • CommentTimeJun 19th 2015
    ... well they used to hold extensive stocks.... :cry: sorry
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