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    We are looking for a hardwood side gate for the passageway of our semi-detached house. The gap is around 90cm - 1m wide and we want it to be high enough so that it isn't too easy to climb over. Ideally it would have a Yale type lock fitted as well so we can access from both sides.

    Our builder has obtained a quote for us from the same person who is making the (Conservation area compliant) front door and it is way over our budget. Our thinking is that we don't need a bespoke handmade gate. Researching online there are lots of websites who sell hardwood gates, but it is difficult to differentiate between them.

    Does anyone have experience of a supplier they can recommend? Thanks!
    • CommentAuthordb8000
    • CommentTimeJan 29th 2016
    If in south west, fountain timber.

    Though I can only speak for the softwood gates we have. But seem v good to me.

    The other company I have bought exterior timber from is Bendrey Brothers. Not a gate specifically though. Happy to recommend though.
    • CommentAuthorCWatters
    • CommentTimeJan 30th 2016 edited
    Perhaps make your own gate out of pressure treated and feather edge board.

    Cays do a bolt/lock that uses a "yale style" key. It's a long throw bolt. Easy to fit.


    One version has key both sides.

    PS: I don't think the lock barrel can be changed so if you want to "change the locks" you may need to replace the whole thing but how frequently does anyone do that. Perhaps only an issue for a rented house?
    Thanks both for the tips.
    • CommentTimeFeb 1st 2016
    Gatemate sell similar locks that you might find at local shops. Sorry, we went for treated softwood too.

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