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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
These two books are the perfect starting place to help you get to grips with one of the most vitally important aspects of our society - our homes and living environment.

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    Best / cheapest options? Looking for some 5"
    Posted By: VictorianecoBest / cheapest options? Looking for some 5"

    Wall-to-ceiling joint didn't turn out well?

    Paul in Montreal.
    I found more expensive Pu-cored coving easier to deal with than the plasterboard version.

    ...and like P-in-M I wonder why you need it.
    Posted By: Nick ParsonsI found more expensive Pu-cored coving easier to deal with than the plasterboard version.

    I've used various pre-primed MDF sections to build up the profile I wanted. When painted flat white, you'd swear it was plaster.

    Paul in Montreal.
    The room has an odd shape front so didn't go too well, thought it would be faster than faffing about with inside corners at high levels
    Posted By: VictorianecoThe room has an odd shape front so didn't go too well, thought it would be faster than faffing about with inside corners at high levels

    Makes sense. I left the inside wall-to-ceiling corners unfinished in one room where I knew I had to reinstall crown moulding.

    Paul in Montreal.
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