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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    Posted By: Peter_in_HungaryWhat about doing the second floor in medium or light weight block and then EWI the whole lot to give a uniform look to the exterior.
    We put a Timber Frame second floor on a bungalow before and air-tightened it externally using silicone jointed OSB. We externally insulated, the original house, the timber frame upper floor and the roof all together. Worked really well, no heating system was needed upstairs.
      Pavo DunLaoghaire.JPG
    • CommentTimeDec 19th 2016
    and air-tightened it externally using silicone jointed OSB.

    VH, can you eleberate on how you did this as you will remember this subject has been raised before.
    Posted By: joe90VH, can you elaborate on how you did this as you will remember this subject has been raised before.
    We just put silicone on the stud walls before fitting the OSB, if its been discussed before Joe why do you want to discuss it again?
    • CommentTimeDec 20th 2016
    Posted By: Viking House
    Posted By: joe90VH, can you elaborate on how you did this as you will remember this subject has been raised before.
    We just put silicone on the stud walls before fitting the OSB, if its been discussed before Joe why do you want to discuss it again?

    Because you appeared to have dropped silicone in favour of tapes, I just wondered if you discovered a new way of doing it?.
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