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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeAug 31st 2016
    I recently read this and agree

    Extract fans are insane in air tight buildings, we don't want nor should we still be building air leaky homes, heat recovery is a no brainer, part F is well out of date and no longer fit for purpose.

    Tell me when it will be revised and brought up to date? This year, next year, sometime never......
    • CommentAuthorDarylP
    • CommentTimeAug 31st 2016
    .. the spec. builders do NOT want it to change. They know (at the moment) they cannot build remotely air-tight buildings... that would take time and care, both resources are rare on most sites...:shamed:
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeAug 31st 2016
    But we (the future nation) need them to.....:shamed:
    • CommentAuthorgravelld
    • CommentTimeAug 31st 2016
    Posted By: DarylP.. the spec. builders do NOT want it to change. They know (at the moment) they cannot build remotely air-tight buildings... that would take time and care, both resources are rare on most sites...
    Yep, this.

    As far as I can see, regs are not the product of what should democratically be done for the best utility of the poplace, instead they are the product of lobbying and politics.

    To see regs as some level of best practice or even guideline is becoming more and more fanciful.

    Some stuff that is chucked in homes without thinking, like dumb pipe extractor vents, open recessed downlighters etc are the cause of a lot of problems.
    • CommentAuthorSigaldry
    • CommentTimeAug 31st 2016 edited
    To be fair, Part F does actually set out ventilation provisions for buildings with a design air permeability below 5m³/m²/hr @ 50 Pa, which push you to Mechanical Ventilation (MEV/MVHR); It's just not very clearly written and you need to jump around a lot to find it.

    From experience (at the as-built stage, test certificates received), many builders are achieving lower levels of air tightness these days (and some achieve very low results and haven't gone with MEV or MVHR provision - so could well be setting their occupants up for future issues if they don't open windows much).

    A low air tightness and a good MVHR unit designed and installed by someone competent is what is needed.
    • CommentAuthorgravelld
    • CommentTimeAug 31st 2016
    Have a search for previous discussions about those requirements. TL;DR: they are ridiculously over specced.
    • CommentAuthorDarylP
    • CommentTimeAug 31st 2016
    <blockquote><cite>Posted By: Sigaldry</cite>
    A low air tightness and a good MVHR unit designed and installed by someone competent is what is needed.</blockquote>
    :bigsmile::bigsmile::bigsmile: yes, but not by the spec. builders....:cry:
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