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    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeDec 9th 2016
    Is it really fair to blame diesel cars for this?
    Not here - a recent statement from the authorities said that the majority of air pollution in the winter came from wood burning stoves and heating systems. (a few still burn brown coal and that really stinks)
    • CommentTimeDec 10th 2016 edited
    Posted By: tonyIs it really fair to blame diesel cars for this?
    Depends where it is and what other 'things' are being burnt, and how.
    But in certain cities, London being one of them, yes, diesel cars are a major contributor.

    One problem with diesel engines is that they tend to be least efficient while accelerating (why buses smoke when pulling away from the bus stop).
    • CommentAuthorEd Davies
    • CommentTimeDec 10th 2016
    Tony, do you mean diesel cars as opposed to diesel vans, lorries and buses?
    • CommentTimeDec 10th 2016
    Did I not see on the news this week that some major cities in Europe are looking to ban diesel vehicles by 2025?.
    Posted By: joe90Did I not see on the news this week that some major cities in Europe are looking to ban diesel vehicles by 2025?.

    More than that, I thought I read that Norway and Holland are going to ban petrol and diesel cars by 2025!
    • CommentAuthorEd Davies
    • CommentTimeDec 11th 2016

    I think this should be a bit clearer on any distinction between sub-micron aerosols discussed in the Swiss study and the PM2.5 ones in the BMJ briefing.
    I think one issue in London is the split between private cars / taxis / public transport / deliveries vs the political loyalties of the various people wanting tighter regulation.

    • CommentAuthorringi
    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2016
    What if electric taxis where allowed to go the front of the queue at ALL taxi ranks (including the airports)?

    Buses are starting to be sorted out. I don’t know what can be done about delivery vans without putting a lot of unnecessary costs on van owners that don’t drive many miles.

    The likes of uber could be required to always send the lowest emission car when it did not add more than 5 minutes to how long the customers had to wait.

    Private cars are also hard, as most new cars are brought for company car drivers, being used on motorways with hot engines needing good MPG, but yet when they get sold to private owners, they are mostly used in towns with cold engines.
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