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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
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    • CommentAuthorPidgeon
    • CommentTimeApr 24th 2017
    I'm looking for suggestions for the heating of a top/first floor flat, 2 bed, lounge, kitchen, b/room, solid floors with roof space access. I've got a gas supply. Heating was previously by hot air blower, this was removed before I got the flat and most of the ducting has been removed/blanked off. The last owners/renters heated water by immersion heater and presumably used plug in heaters of some type.

    As I'm pretty much starting from scratch what are any suggestions? Looking at electric options as well as gas. Multi split A2A with ceiling cassettes is appealing, obviously then need a DHW solution.
    • CommentTimeApr 24th 2017
    How well insulated is it? Is it occupied 24 hours or just in the evenings & nights?
    • CommentAuthorPidgeon
    • CommentTimeApr 24th 2017
    Very recently double glazed, uninsulated cavity walls, ~50mm fibreglass insulation in roof space, some secondhand heat from flat below. I intend to increase insulation in the roof space.

    As I frequently work from home the property is occupied 24 hours, 4 days a week. When home only one room is likely to be occupied at a time.
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeApr 24th 2017
    For lowest running costs go gas.

    lowest capital cost go direct electric.

    lowest overall go cold!

    I like A2A single unit in lounge insulate loft to 300mm+ immersion, fan heater in bathroom, mobile electric for when very cold
    What tony said

    Plus is this a long term stay or short term ownership then rent or sell? IMO affects investment put in. e.g. the amount of insulation in the loft and walls and type of heating.
    • CommentAuthorPidgeon
    • CommentTimeApr 24th 2017
    It's likely to be a reasonably long term stay, however I'm conscious of how more niche technology may affect how easy it is to sell. Of the electric options, in my mind A2A would be a less scary system for potential future buyers.
    • CommentAuthorgravelld
    • CommentTimeApr 24th 2017
    That's not very much insulation at all. You're at the level where you get some quick payback from increasing insulation levels imo.
    Posted By: PidgeonIt's likely to be a reasonably long term stay, however I'm conscious of how more niche technology may affect how easy it is to sell. Of the electric options, in my mind A2A would be a less scary system for potential future buyers.

    If you are looking at re-saleability then IMO a gas combi would be the safe option
    • CommentAuthorRick_M
    • CommentTimeApr 24th 2017 edited
    will access to service the heat pump be a difficulty as it will be installed high up?
    • CommentAuthorPidgeon
    • CommentTimeApr 24th 2017
    Access shouldn't be an issue as suitable access from flat roofs.
    • CommentAuthorPidgeon
    • CommentTimeApr 25th 2017
    Really just out of interest, does anyone know if one of the hydronic boxes from split air to water heat pumps could be hooked up to a multi split heat pump? Is it possible/would there be any advantage to room heat via A2A and when not room heating use the pump to heat the DHW cylinder?
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