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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
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    A number (probably about 15 - I have not 'excavated' them from the garage yet) of evac tubes manufactured, I believe, by Philips in the 1970s, before they decided not to enter the solar market. The 'ferrule' which posts into the manifold (except there is not a manifold!) looks to be about 11-12mm dia.

    AFAIK they do *not* fit the Navitron or eco-Nomical manifolds.

    No cost - it'd just be nice if someone can use them - but taker collects from S.Yorks.
    I have now started 'excavating', and these will shortly be available:

    ''A number (probably about 15 - I have not 'excavated' them from the garage yet) of evac tubes manufactured, I believe, by Philips in the 1970s, before they decided not to enter the solar market. The 'ferrule' which posts into the manifold (except there is not a manifold!) looks to be about 11-12mm dia.

    AFAIK they do *not* fit the Navitron or eco-Nomical manifolds.

    No cost - it'd just be nice if someone can use them - but taker collects from S.Yorks.''

    The sooner they go, the better. (I think there are probably 13 or 14).

    Any use to anyone?
    Last 'bump' before they go for scrap - a shame, but I have not done anything with them in nearly 20 years, and probably never will!
    • CommentAuthorowlman
    • CommentTimeApr 14th 2019
    They'd possibly make an interesting garden sculpture, or the basis of a water feature?
    Possibly a rather fragile sculpture, and they are heat-pipe, rather than through-flow, so no orifices! I fear they may be valued more for their copper than for their potential to heat water....
    • CommentAuthorgyrogear
    • CommentTimeApr 14th 2019
    Hang in a bit yet, Nick, I pointed your kind offer at a bloake in Bristol,
    it might work, they are all pretty virtute and industrial down there !


    OK. Hanging in.
    Going, going.....
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