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    I'd like to make a polytunnel on a minimal budget, and I'm looking for black or blue MDPE water pipe, 50mm outer diameter, 4 x 4.5m lengths so 18m total.

    Can pay cash and collect if not too far from Sheffield, or I'll pay postage if it isn't too expensive.

    Many thanks
    • CommentTimeMay 7th 2017
    Over here if black pipe is used then it has to be covered in something white otherwise the poly sheet will get too hot and degrade quickly where it is over the pipe.
    • CommentTimeMay 7th 2017
    Posted By: SteamyTeaWorks out at £2.79/m

    Only if he's prepared to joint the 6 m lengths to get the lengths he needs.

    Why does it need to be 50 mm?
    • CommentAuthorowlman
    • CommentTimeMay 7th 2017
    How do you propose to join the hoops along their length or anchor them at their ends?
    Posted By: SteamyTeahttp://www.cityirrigation.co.uk/acatalog/50mm-Blue-Polythene-12-bar-PE80-MDPE-pipe-x-6m-HPMD0506.html?gclid=CLXXiPue3dMCFaoK0wodYkkCEg" >http://www.cityirrigation.co.uk/acatalog/50mm-Blue-Polythene-12-bar-PE80-MDPE-pipe-x-6m-HPMD0506.html?gclid=CLXXiPue3dMCFaoK0wodYkkCEg

    Works out at £2.79/m

    Thanks, but 4 lengths would be £66.96 inc VAT, excluding delivery, which is well outside of my budget.
    <blockquote>Why does it need to be 50 mm?</blockquote>

    The designs I've seen online use 40mm scaffolding pipe (or round wooden stakes) hammered into the ground as anchors, and then a length of 50mm MDPE pipe should fit snugly over. The thinner MDPE is cheaper and easier to find, but apparently not rigid enough to stay up in strong winds?

    Here is an example that uses 48mm scaffolding poles and 63mm? MDPE pipe (50mm *inner* diameter):
    • CommentTimeMay 8th 2017
    OK. Personal opinion is that you're asking in the wrong place because most people on here are small or individual builders, not the large sites suggested as sources in that link.
    I've got loads of 4 to 6m lengths of 96mm that you can have 'free for uplift' but they're on Raasay off Skye :-( I've given quite a lot away over the years for the very purpose of making poly tunnels using round fencing stobs as the uprights.


    If you can be bothered trawling through that I did quite a few posts about Willies poly tunnel. He painted the pipes white as was suggested but others didn't and they've been just fine, but then we are in NW Scotland.

    Cheers, Paul
    Posted By: camillitechI've got loads of 4 to 6m lengths of 96mm that you can have 'free for uplift' but they're on Raasay off Skye :-( I've given quite a lot away over the years for the very purpose of making poly tunnels using round fencing stobs as the uprights.

    Nice polytunnel Paul! Thanks very much for the kind offer :bigsmile: If I were closer I'd definitely take you up on that.
    How much do you want to spend. Commercial polytunnel hoops are normally £10 to £15 each depending on width. Have plenty if you dont mind a journey to Bolton.
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