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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthorpmusgrove
    • CommentTimeMay 15th 2017
    My Aurora Inverter (a PVI-3.6-OUTD-UK) blew up a month ago. Six months out of warranty so ABB who have taken over Power One didn't want to know. Bought a cheaper Chinese inverter but now have a carcass and a lot of boards that are perfectly serviceable if anyone wants them. Near Wellington Somerset - just off the M5.
    • CommentTimeMay 15th 2017
    Purely out of interest, how old is it and what size array was it connected to.
    Also, do you know what 'blew up'.
    • CommentTimeMay 15th 2017
    'Spares or Repair' - ebay - someone will drop a V8 into it
    • CommentAuthormike7
    • CommentTimeJul 17th 2017
    I have the very same inverter, and it blew up in June, 7 months out of warranty. It turned out to be an overheated joint to a power relay - apparently a common fault - and I was able to get a replacement relay, clean up the scorched board, and it has been working fine for a month now. The original soldering or possibly the printed circuit track could be the problem, so I added some wires in parallel with the vulnerable tracks to hopefully avoid a recurrence.

    If you still have your dud one and feel like having a go at fixing it - or getting someone else to - I'd be happy to give more detail.
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