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    • CommentAuthorGHC
    • CommentTimeApr 1st 2008
    Hi all, after using the now extinct SDA superheat software for a few years now for L1a and L1b calcs, it has come to light that i now need to move on to bigger and better software with all the training this includes. I wonder if you could give your opinions on which SAP software is the most user fiendly and provides the most useful results. I find the ms access based SAP software to be somewhat cumbersome. Many thanks, Peter.
    • CommentAuthorkmitchell
    • CommentTimeJun 10th 2008
    I tried a lot of the various sap softwares but found most so complicated to use it was easier to plod through the SAP sheets by hand. Then an NHBC bco refused to accept them on one job because they hadn't been done on a computer - sort of reverse Ludite.

    You could try the SAp calculator provided by Complete Picture (UK) Ltd with their complete regulations disc. It has BRE authorisation and I found it probably the easiest to use. I seem to think it cost me about £80 but I may be wrong - it certainly wasn't a huge amount and now I've given up the hand method altogether. (my eyesight's improved as well!) keith
    • CommentAuthorjamesbl
    • CommentTimeJun 12th 2008
    Knauf do one that is now approved by BRE, is fairly user friendly and can be accessed on line via http://www.knaufinsulation.co.uk/.

    What I am not absolutely clear on is whether anyone can submit a SAP calculation now - or if you have to be proved 'competent' to do so . I have been doing SAP calcs for a while now hand have successfully submitted some , but don't know if I need to qualify in order to submit new build EPCs for instance . If so , will I have to do a full SAP course ?
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeJun 12th 2008
    Tried that it wont calculate my house as it is designed without a heating system so I crashed their programme! It couldn't handle that simple idea :sad:
    • CommentAuthorPete1951
    • CommentTimeJun 12th 2008
    Tony, I have used the old BuildDesk SAP2005 software which was free when I downloaded it last year. Unfortunately they have a new version now which can only be used free for a trial 30 day period. I managed to model my house without central heating but the old version produces a low SAP value because it defaults to electric heating.
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeJun 12th 2008
    So very stupid! who wrote it!
    • CommentAuthorkmitchell
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2008
    You don't need to be qualified to submit the sap/carbon emission calculations under the Building regulations - just use the correct software and submit the results. If you are FAERO or Bre certified then you can give a certificate instead. To do EPC's you have to be registered under a different system and have to do the course to be registered.
    Have a look at Sapper, a really great SAP package from http://www.rusfa.com/ it's written by an architect "Reg James" who is very knowlegeable. We use the software for extensions & conversions and I have been speaking to BRE and they say it's one of the easiest SAP softwares to use. I highly recommend it, there is a free trial and you may get a discount if you mention the LK Group sent you.
    I would also like to know whether the calculator recommended by kmitchell is something we as self builders can complete ourselves and whether it would be approved?
    • CommentTimeAug 8th 2008
    Knauf program works, although I have found some bugs which they (Knauf) fixed.

    I've also used the Hevacomp SAP module which seems satisfactory and faster than the online Knauff SAP calculator.

    The main problem is that the outputs all seem to be embedded within the standard output forms, they don't have an ouput screen with a summary of the info. Therefore if you're trying to tweak a design to pass SAP, or more likely hit a CfSH target (E.g. 25% or 44% inprovement) then it's not very user friendly. Now some people will say that SAP is not a design tool as it's too simplistic, which is true, but if you give people targets then they will concentrate on hitting them which means designing a building that performs well in SAP rather than performing well in the real world.
    Hi all. Anyone able to give an update on a good rdSAP Demo? I've tried the sapper one which keeps crashing on me :( Don't seem to be able to save either, so everytime it crashes I have to start again grrr

    Not tried the Knauf one yet as looking for some advice first

    Anyone help please?
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