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    Hi there, I am working on an interesting (partial straw bale) eco house build in Scotland. It will have a combination of untreated and charred larch cladding.

    In regards to wood oil, I have found a lot of good information on this site but we are still confused and there seem to be a lot of expensive products out there - we are wondering:

    Is there a simple, cheap and readily available oil we can use? This is an ancient method, what would have been traditionally used?

    Flax oil has been mentioned (boiled linseed oil) but it is suggested that additives are necessary. What is the best product to use or what mix can we make ourselves that will work?

    We experimented with charring a shed in situ and we brushed that with a sunflower oil and vinegar mix but I believe this may be prone to mildew?
    When we touch the shed, some black comes off on our hands. Is this to be expected when finished?

    Can we just apply the oil after brushing, or is it recommended to the oil first... or run the flame over it again?

    Also I have found 1 person recommending soya bean oil - any thoughts on this?

    Any help would be very much appreciated!

    • CommentAuthorowlman
    • CommentTimeJun 12th 2017 edited
    • CommentAuthorskyewright
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2017
    Posted By: julienbrown
    When we touch the shed, some black comes off on our hands. Is this to be expected when finished?

    Which part of Scotland?
    In plenty of places I imagine that wind & rain would weather off any loose material quite quickly?
    In Aberdeenshire.
    Owlman: Thanks, seems quite expensive.
    • CommentAuthorowlman
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2017
    Posted By: julienbrownOwlman: Thanks, seems quite expensive.

    It's about par for a good quality finishing product. As a general rule thin coats are better than thick ones. You could mix some with a solvent and apply a thin fist coat then a thin neat coat after its dried. By way of comparison boiled linseed oil can quickly become caked on and look a bit tarry.
    Personally I'd stay clear of the kitchen edible oils, and your marinades too.:wink::bigsmile:
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