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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    There is a 3/4" port for a thermostat on my Akvaterm heat store. It's open to the tank, so I'll need to close it off. I was wondering what with. If I add a boiler at a later stage, I might need a thermostat. I was wondering what to get. Can you get an empty sheath that you can poke a thermostat into later? Or do you need to buy something to go in there now? And if so, what and where to get it? I'd appreciate any advice!
    Posted By: ComeOnPilgrimCan you get an empty sheath that you can poke a thermostat into later?

    e.g http://www.resol.de/index/produktdetail/kategorie/5/id/63/sprache/en - others are available

    If you dont find one off-the-shelf, it would be easy enough to make one.

    Get a 3/4 male, to 15mm end feed
    Get a length of 15mm copper pipe.
    Use a stop end to close the end of the 15mm pipe
    Put the 15mm pipe right through the 3/4 fitting so that the pipe enters the tank when the 3/4 fitting is screwed into the tank.
    Solder the 15mm tube to the 15mm end feed part of the fitting.
    Screw the whole job into the tank.
    Thanks Peter! They say 3/4" inch is rare even in Finland. I've ordered a 1/2" pocket from here in the UK and they offered me a 3/4" to 1/2" adaptor for free. I'm not sure that I've done the right thing as I don't know if the particular pocket might limit my choice of thermostat later. However, there are a lot of other small pockets for digital sensors on the store, so presumably I could also use them.
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