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    We currently have a 350l heatbank connected to a mains gas condensing boiler and solar PV via 2 immersion heaters and an iBoost diverter. We have the tappings in the heatbank for connecting a wood burning stove. The heatbank is installed on the ground floor.

    I'm now reaching the stage in restoration where I'm looking to replace the +20 year old ground-floor stove with a more efficient new one. The original plan was to install a boiler stove, but I've had a few people tell me to just fit a non-boiler stove to save hassle and money. They also said that non-boiler stoves last much longer.

    We don't have access to much free wood, so I'm not sure how much (if any) saving there is with wood over natural gas. The stove will be in the kitchen/diner and we generally sit in the living room upstairs, so I don;t think we'd be re-fueling the stove as much as we would if we were sat around it all night.

    I'm therefore leaning towards just having a non-boiler stove fitted, which would just require a new chimney liner, rather than a boiler stove with pumps, mixer valves, overheat radiator and pipework. Am I being short-sighted though and would a boiler stove make savings on my fuel bill to make the installation worthwhile?
    • CommentAuthorCWatters
    • CommentTimeSep 7th 2017 edited
    This site isn't perfect but has the cost per kWH for various fuels taking into account the boiler efficiency.


    Currently says..

    Mains gas 4.67p/kWh
    Oil/kerosene 4.11p/kWh
    Seasoned Wood 5.83p/kWH

    So unless you have cheap/free wood or it qualifies for some sort of RHI it seems burning wood is more expensive.

    Their figures are debatable but there aren't many sites that provide such a comprehensive and regularly updated comparison like this. Anyone know of a better site?
    • CommentAuthorgravelld
    • CommentTimeSep 7th 2017
    I tend to use the nottenergy site for a quick basic idea. Obviously things and situations can change quickly so if you want something more accurate you have to do your own calcs, e.g. from BoilerJuice (but only your local prices are applicable).
    IMO if you don't have a free / very cheap supply of wood and you are not going to rely on the wood burning stove for a good %age of your heat then I would not bother with the trouble and expense of a boiler stove.
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