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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeMay 16th 2018
    Yesterday I happened to visit some offices to help with sustainability. What I saw was quite remarkable.

    The air cooling system was on and some areas were a bit too cool I reckoned, so did some of the staff as they had fan heaters on trying to warm their area up a bit.

    How common is this, I have seen this in winter with the heating on but never before in summer.
    • CommentAuthorDarylP
    • CommentTimeMay 16th 2018
    all over LA, especially Social Services.....:cry:
    Common enough. An awful lot of offices have pretty cheap HVAC systems. If you sit under the supply, you get cold. If you are under the extract, thats warmer. If you sit in a dead zone, with solar gain it can get quite hot. So those people scream for the aircon to be dialled down. So the first group get even colder.
    • CommentAuthorsam_cat
    • CommentTimeMay 16th 2018
    Yup... In our office the aircon either blows too hot or too cold. No fault of the aircon, but certain members of staff adjust it between min and max settings rather than using a small adjustment to try and get comfortable. The open plan space also has multiple controllers, so one end is blowing hot as someone was too cold and the other end if blowing very cold as someone was too hot.

    Facilities have the option of locking it down and controlling it all centrally, which they did for a while but it was 'too much hassle' as people were constantly complaining it was too hot/cold/blowing too hard etc.

    Additionally facilities issue those that are too cold with fan heaters. And refuse to provide desk fans for those that are too hot as its a 'waste of money'

    Tried to explain to them how mad it was on more than one occasion, met with a roll of the eyes. :/

    Causes me rage every time I think about how much money is being wasted keeping the building uncomfortable.
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeMay 16th 2018
    It is a mad mad mad mad world
    • CommentAuthorgravelld
    • CommentTimeMay 16th 2018
    It is from our perspective. But where's the incentive to change? That's what you have to look at.
    • CommentAuthorsam_cat
    • CommentTimeMay 16th 2018 edited
    The incentive for a business, surely, has to be the bottom line... If they can see a tangible saving then it will happen.
    • CommentAuthorgravelld
    • CommentTimeMay 16th 2018 edited
    Correct. And the problem is there's next to no, or possibly negative, short term bottom line benefit.

    Although I would also add that incentives can exist at other levels, for example individuals following the latest environmental craze... unplugging mobile chargers anyone?
    Saw this in several large research institutes in at least two countries (UK and US). Often, the HVAC engineers are not trained to properly tune the feedback loops of their fancy (or not fancy) systems.
    backward thinking !

    who remembers this from over a decade ago from Japan
    simply put
    wear the appropriate clothing for the weather


    Result of Cool Biz Campaign
    On October 28, 2005, the Ministry of Enivronment announced results of the Cool Biz campaign.[2] The MOE conducted a web-based questionnaire survey on the Cool Biz campaign on September 30, 2005, covering some 1,200 men and women randomly extracted from an Internet panel recruited by a research company. Survey results indicate that 95.8% of respondents knew Cool Biz, and 32.7% of 562 respondents answered that their offices set the air conditioner thermostat higher than in previous years. Based on these figures, the Ministry estimated that the campaign resulted in a 460,000-ton reduction in CO2 emission, the equivalent volume of CO2 emitted by about 1 million households for one month.

    Some companies including Toyota request their employees not to wear jackets and ties even when meeting with business partners.

    The results for 2006 were even better, resulting in an estimated 1.14 million-ton reduction in CO2 emission, equivalent to the CO2 emissions by about 2.5 million households for one month.[3] The Ministry also stated that it intends to continue encouraging people to set summer office temperatures at no lower than 28 °C as well as to work to have the Cool Biz concept take permanent root in society.

    In July 2009, the Cabinet Office announced results of a new questionnaire survey, which indicates that 91.8% of respondents knew about the Cool Biz campaign, and 57% of them put the campaign into practice.[4]
    • CommentAuthorSilky
    • CommentTimeJun 29th 2018
    yup, worked places where I had wear a jumper in summer because of sitting near to floor vents..

    place I was at last year had huge football pitched sized hangar like warehouses full of goods that needed to be looked after (electronics etc..), just a panel roof with single pane glazing all the way along.. and the whole roof covered in electric heaters for the winter and aircon, I was imagining the size of their energy use and then multiply this across the whole of the industralised world, sheer madness and a bit demorailsing when you're trying to save at home
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