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    • CommentAuthoraiazas
    • CommentTimeJun 19th 2018 edited
    I am just finishing our airtightness work, but are short of 3 meters of Intello membrane.
    Has anyone got this size of offcut lying about and cluttering up their shed/workshop?
    Please do get in touch and let me know your price. Many thanks. Aiora
    I guess you are long sorted by now. If not, do contact me.

    • CommentAuthoradam_w
    • CommentTimeDec 20th 2018
    I'm now in exactly the same predicament, I don't suppose anyone has any spare?

    Thanks in advance,

    • CommentAuthorTimSmall
    • CommentTimeDec 21st 2018
    I have some of the predecessor Proclima intelligent membrane (can't remember the name of it right now). Let me know if you'd like me to dig it out).
    • CommentAuthoradam_w
    • CommentTimeJan 2nd 2019
    Afternoon All,

    Just a quick Thank you and a happy new year to those who privately offered me their surplus but after writing my initial message, I found you can buy it by the meter via german ebay, hopefully that may help someone else out in the future too :D
    not anymore now with the horrific Brexit charges :devil:
    Mmm yes. I gather one of the specific issues is that HMRC are requiring mainland European suppliers to register for UK VAT where they were not previously required to. For places which just supplied a few UK customers occasionally it is just too much faff.
    • CommentAuthorEd Davies
    • CommentTimeJan 20th 2021 edited
    More details from a company in Bulgaria:


    tldr: for orders under £135 the seller needs to be UK VAT registered, to collect the VAT and pay it to the UK gov. For orders over £135 they ship with a customs declaration and the buyer gets to pay the VAT on receipt. It'd be quite understandable for a small company not to bother with small orders.

    But ebay.de?
    • CommentAuthorSimonD
    • CommentTimeJan 20th 2021
    <blockquote><cite>Posted By: Nick Parsons</cite>Mmm yes. I gather one of the specific issues is that HMRC are requiring mainland European suppliers to register for UK VAT where they were not previously required to. For places which just supplied a few UK customers occasionally it is just too much faff.</blockquote>

    And more changes to the VAT system for cross-border sales to come into force in July too. It's part of a global change to these things rather than just Brexit and also works the other way for British companies selling into Europe. I wouldn't be surprised to see the likes of ebay and amazon marketplace collecting the required taxes on behalf of sellers for an additional service fee. That would seem like a sensible way to do it. The platform then files the necessary tax returns.
    • CommentAuthorEd Davies
    • CommentTimeJan 21st 2021
    • CommentAuthorMike1
    • CommentTimeJan 21st 2021 edited
    Posted By: SimonDI wouldn't be surprised to see the likes of ebay and amazon marketplace collecting the required taxes on behalf of sellers for an additional service fee.

    That's certainly what eBay are doing for transactions under £135 - https://sellercentre.ebay.co.uk/news/september-2020-index/vat-changes - I guess Amazon will be doing the same. Though the new higher courier charges this year may well make imports in that price range uneconomic anyway.

    Posted By: SimonDmore changes to the VAT system for cross-border sales to come into force in July too. It's part of a global change to these things rather than just Brexit and also works the other way for British companies selling into Europe.

    That will be the EU's new e-commerce Directives, designed to cut VAT-related barriers to online trade between EU countries. To prevent EU traders being undercut, it also also ends VAT exemptions on imports and eBay & other online marketplaces are required to handle the associated VAT on low value imports via their platforms.
    • CommentAuthorMike1
    • CommentTimeJan 21st 2021
    Posted By: Nick ParsonsI gather one of the specific issues is that HMRC are requiring mainland European suppliers to register for UK VAT where they were not previously required to. For places which just supplied a few UK customers occasionally it is just too much faff.

    Yes, this site sums it up well - https://www.dutchbikebits.com/shipping :

    there is also a problem caused by the British government deciding to impose a unique taxation regime which will require every company in the world in every country in the world outside the UK which exports to the UK to apply and collect British taxes on behalf of the British government....

    ...If every country decided to behave in the same way then we would have to pay 195 fees every year, keep up with the changes in taxation law for 195 different countries, keep accounts on behalf of 195 different countries and submit payments to 195 tax offices in 195 different countries, and jump through whatever hoops were required to prove that we were doing all of this honestly and without any error.

    Therefore from mid December 2020 onward we ship to every country in the world... except the UK.
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