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    • CommentAuthorgyrogear
    • CommentTimeJul 31st 2018 edited
    I just came across a thought-provoking comment in another thread, which I'd prefer not to hijack, viz:


    "(...) maybe with some freezer blocks or bottles of salty water to act as stores of cold?"

    This bought my eye, as I am currently configuring my crawlspace as a solar-thermal heat store (using warm air...).
    The essential part of the storage will be the concrete structure and (hopefully) the ground. In addition I intend to use a couple of 1000-liter static water batteries (plastic dustbins filled with water).

    I have apparently ingested the fact that a tonne of water through one kelvin represents 1.16 kWh of storage capacity.

    I am now wondering whether the water ought, in fact to be BRINE - cannot seem to find any info about specific heat of brine via web searches, and my O-level physics was several decades ago...

    In addition I have planned for a third storage comprising a 3x3 matrix of nine 240-liter tanks (wheely bins) buried up to their shoulders, the central bin being circulated through a PEX HEX comprising 75 meters of tube inside a hot-air tunnel. The idea being to inject heat into soil... The question is, if BRINE is OK for static storage, would it be OK in a circulated system, or would it corrode the circulator?

    Any assistance much appreciated as usual !

    Hi gg, I suggested that Damon should use brine to store cold in his freezer because it melts and freezes at a low temperature so will keep the food frozen without using much space or being toxic. This uses latent heat of freezing/melting.

    If you want to store heat, you ideally want a cheap substance that melts and freezes at a nice warm room temperature. Unfortunately there aren't many common substances that fit that bill, so you may be better just using a lot of water.
    • CommentAuthorgyrogear
    • CommentTimeJul 31st 2018
    Thanks, Will, I think I get the picture - change of phase ?

    Now : where to get hold of a few tons of candlefat going cheap !
    Or maybe try my local abattoir :shocked:

    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeJul 31st 2018
    Water would be better, cheaper, non corrosive,
    • CommentAuthorgyrogear
    • CommentTimeJul 31st 2018 edited
    Thanks, Tony, I shall look no further !

    (and just get on with the dig instead... )

    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeJul 31st 2018
    I use water in my solar thermal/inter seasonal store with electronic frost proofing now OK for nine years
    • CommentAuthorgyrogear
    • CommentTimeJul 31st 2018
    Thank you, that is good 2No :cool:

    If mine works as well as yours, I'll be a well happy lad !

    • CommentTimeJul 31st 2018

    Also magnetite (see later).

    But note Sunamp's 3x-denser-than-water phase-change storage, commercially available now.


    • CommentAuthorgyrogear
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2018
    Hmm, thanks for the ideas !

    However, I doubt a milk tanker would fit inside my crawlspace, and as for 15 tonnes of magnetite, it would take a very long bucket-chain not to mention several weekends :surprised:

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