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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
These two books are the perfect starting place to help you get to grips with one of the most vitally important aspects of our society - our homes and living environment.

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    • CommentAuthorjanoska666
    • CommentTimeSep 13th 2018
    Hi Folks, i hope all is well. I have a premier 3 phase GSHP with a gas filled ground loop for a collector. Its from an Austrian manufacturer who have gone bust and taken over by another outfit. The hardware the pump end is excellent.
    The controls and electronics is rubbish, over complicated and many issues with data lines and fault codes etc. Reset, reset etc. Web connected totally insecure and constant patches to keep it running and safe.

    The new manufacturer is unable to fix other than change the controller, the control panel and the main pump control unit. Total cost 1700 quid with no guaranteed fix. Insane. Bit like fixing a new car, change everything and hope for the best.

    Does anybody have a an idea or recommendation to use a simple control unit for the house side of things.

    Very simple, DHW to 55 degrees.....1000 litre tank...... tank reaches 55 degrees..... 3 way valve to open and send the hot Heat pump water to a simple existing UFH heating setup.... run the UFH pump constant with a mixing valve and constant 7 degrees diff T...... KTY sensors and normal wilo pumps.

    The pump side of things can be jury rigged. High gas pressure , Low gas pressure and flow temp to shutdown pump and turn on a simple fault light on a simple house controller.

    I have considered Arduino and technis alternative. Good gear and service with software support etc.
    see https://www.ta.co.at/en/freely-programmable/rsm610/

    Simplicity, robustness and future proof controls essential.

    Any ideas or pointers appreciated.
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