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    • CommentAuthormarsaday
    • CommentTimeOct 25th 2018
    Has anyone plastered around the reveals of a square roof window ? One where the plasterboard sits next to the glass.

    What beading did you use ? I need to use a pic bead and can find L shaped beads but they don't have a lip on them.

    Ideally i am wanting to put in 10mm of soft foam insulation strip behind the plaster board so my thickness will be 25mm overall inc skim.
    • CommentAuthorowlman
    • CommentTimeOct 25th 2018
    Why can't you use a simple "stop bead " , they are available in galv, SS or white plastic?
    • CommentTimeOct 25th 2018
    Or maybe one of the Wemico frameseal types with built-in anchors for the glass protection. https://www.wemico.com/pvc-window-frameseal-beads-dup
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeOct 25th 2018
    Normally the plasterboard slots into a special groove in the frame, no bead needed.

    Didn't you make your own rooflight? So will your plaster come up and touch the glass? If so I would recommend it doesn't touch - use an EWI-type stop bead and a gap, otherwise there is a risk of your plasterboard and plaster 'sucking' unless the glazing never, ever gets condensation.

    • CommentAuthormarsaday
    • CommentTimeOct 25th 2018
    I have made my own, but i will be using the panoroof window unit.

    This is a triple glazed unit which sits into a frame. The double glazed bit sits into the frame. The triple pane sits over the frame and out 30mm. This deflects all the water off the window.

    There is no ali framing or such like. The units are silicone welded and so will not break down under UV light.

    So on the inside there is room for a piece of PB. From above you would see the top of the PB, but the guy has said to use a PVC stop bead.

    Ideally i would like to use a roll of 10mm soft insulation behind my PB. So this would push out the PB and a simple stop bead would not do the work, but you can get L beads, but the ones i have seen don't have a return small lip.
    • CommentAuthorowlman
    • CommentTimeOct 26th 2018
    Why wouldn't a PVC stop bead work Tim? Sure, when seen from above the stop bead would only cover the top edge of the PB. From above you would still see the top of the insulation behind, but if you used something like EPS or better still XPS, you could wrap the top edge with aluminium tape before fitting, even paint it afterwards, to make it less obvious.
    As Nick said keep the top edges OFF the glass.
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeOct 26th 2018
    I would use a thin set stop bead and leave a 5 or 10mmshadow gap, i.e. don’t touch the glass with stop bead, plaster or plasterboard
    • CommentAuthormarsaday
    • CommentTimeOct 26th 2018
    A shadow gap sounds good. I will see how the stop bead works.

    They should be coming in 3 weeks time, so let me get them in first and then i will see what i am going to work with.
    • CommentTimeOct 26th 2018
    Where is the airtight layer, and where is the insulation in the thermal bridge if there's a shadow gap?
    • CommentAuthormarsaday
    • CommentTimeOct 26th 2018
    The unit is sealed around the top, so no air gap. The top pane (3 rd pane) is over sized and sits over the upstand.

    I don't think i am going to get any insulation into the sides. It has been a real job doing these windows and it hasn't worked out as planned and so i have limited choices on what i can do. These panoroof windows do the job.
    • CommentAuthorowlman
    • CommentTimeOct 27th 2018 edited
    <blockquote><cite>Posted By: marsaday</cite>The unit is sealed around the top, so no air gap. The top pane (3 rd pane) is over sized and sits over the upstand.

    Does that mean that the bottom 2 panes, i.e. 2G + extra spacers is literally hanging unsupported off the top pane? Or, does the timber?? upstand have a rebate on it's top edge so all panes are supported?
    • CommentAuthormarsaday
    • CommentTimeOct 28th 2018
    The DG section sits on a rebate, so all panes supported.

    Panoroof is the company. check their website out.
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