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    • CommentAuthorIanCD
    • CommentTimeFeb 8th 2019
    This is something of an update to a previous discussion here: http://www.greenbuildingforum.co.uk/newforum/comments.php?DiscussionID=15542&page=1#Comment_265315

    I wrote to the suppliers of the Morso DB15 and heat store in June last year, the outcome f which is that we've just had an MCZ Gardenia Hydro pellet boiler stove fitted - I think pretty much at cost price, with the company paying for the installation at no cost to ourselves. So, a pretty good outcome and it means we're still getting all our heating and hot water from renewables.

    It's early days, so there's probably still some tweaking to be done on settings but we're not getting the output per kg that was predicted. The output is metered and it's a small hopper feed with bagged pellets so I know how much we're getting per kg. The performance estimate was just under 4kWh per kg (3.96) but we're actually only getting just over 3kWh/kg, which obviously makes running costs considerably higher.

    Do any of you know why this might be? We've reduced the pellet dosing as far as possible (-30% from default) but it doesn't seem to have made much difference to the output, though the brazier and glass are staying cleaner. I think the company are going to check the flue draft as well - if they haven't already - as I understand that can make a difference.

    Do the pellets (all EN plus A1 and BSL certified) vary much in heat output from one manufacturer to another?

    • CommentAuthorDarylP
    • CommentTimeFeb 8th 2019
    what is the moisture content of the pellets? where are they stored?
    is important!
    • CommentAuthorArtiglio
    • CommentTimeFeb 8th 2019
    Pellets only have to meet a standard, we started out using blazers as they were the closest producer, persevered with them but they never burnt that well created an acrid smoke and too much clinker. So then tried some Land Energy followed by Sparkletts, all bulk blow loads. Land energy burnt the best by a fraction over the Sparkletts but would happily use either.
    • CommentAuthorJeff B
    • CommentTimeFeb 9th 2019
    I don't have the means to meter the output of our wood pellet boiler but our space heating requirement is 14,321 kWh per year (as per EPC) and we use approx 3300 kg of pellets p.a.,which equates to 4.33 kWh per kg of pellets. We also have a hot water requirement of 2931 kWh per year (as per EPC) but the picture here is not so straightforward as we have solar thermal panels which make a significant contribution, hence I don't really know what proportion of the hot water heating comes from burning wood pellets.

    The pellet consumption fluctuates from year to year of course depending on the weather but 3300 kg is a fair average. We have only ever had pellets from one supplier. Whilst they are a certified EN plus A1 company I do not know if they source from different manufacturers. I have bulk blown deliveries so no bags to identify the manufacturer. The density of the pellets does vary from load to load, so I have to recalibrate the boiler with each delivery. I do not find massive differences from batch to batch.
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