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    As per previous posts on here I have 15 (or maybe a few more) Philips evac tubes (yes they did make them, a very long time ago, and no, I don't have a manifold), free to a good home. Disposal necessitated by waterproofing works to cellar. If no takers I will have to take them to the scrap dealers, who will smash the glass and extract the copper.

    Whisper or e-mail me (address on my profile) if you think you might be able to make use of them.

    ebay them, might have a wider audience?

    You are probably right, but I have never dipped my toe in that particular pond!
    • CommentTimeAug 7th 2019
    Me also. I've managed to find obliging neighbours who do ebay on the odd occasion I wanted to sell something.
    • CommentTimeAug 7th 2019
    Freecycle / Freegle?


    Thanks all! Yes, maybe I need to make another attempt to join Freecycle! I vaguely recall a couple of attempts years ago. I seem to think |I had to open a Yahoo a/c first (?) and fell at that hurdle. Something that was meant to happen automatically just didn't. Now, where's my abacus?
    Posted By: Nick ParsonsThanks all! Yes, maybe I need to make another attempt to join Freecycle! I vaguely recall a couple of attempts years ago. I seem to think |I had to open a Yahoo a/c first (?) and fell at that hurdle. Something that was meant to happen automatically just didn't. Now, where's my abacus?

    It's more straightforward joining Freegle.
    ebays great.
    fees become annoying when selling more expensive items , but its amazing what some buy. last week I sold a broken vacuum to a man in Scotland, the bottom half of a strimmer to a man in Leciester
    £10 and £20 respectively plus postage. most would have just binned these items. Also flogged 9 end of line PV panels to a guy up the road for a nice little profit.
    @PeterStarck, you are right - I have successfully joined Freegle, and have 2 people interested. Hoorah! Thanks all for your suggestions.

    A happy Freegler has just collected the tubes. I hope he will be able to do something with them in less than the 14 years for which I had them!

    Thanks for suggestions.

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