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    Hello, I am starting a big refurbishment job on an old Victorian semi. Big ambitions for energy efficiency and eco-friendly solutions but maybe not such a huge budget!! Keen to tap into the collective knowledge on this brilliant site. Many questions to come...
    • CommentTimeSep 20th 2019
    Sounds juicy. Put up some pics so we can get an instant idea of it?
    I'll have a go. Here is the old lady pre-move in hiding behind several layers of bushes and ivy.
    And today with the driveway going in.
    • CommentTimeSep 20th 2019
    Quite a wildlife haven
    • CommentAuthorphiledge
    • CommentTimeSep 21st 2019
    Yeah fairly brutal! :smile:
    • CommentTimeSep 21st 2019
    Admit it was a hit to see that species-rich wild-haven-looking greenery laid to concrete, when I'd a thought 'Green building' would be accompanied by broader 'green' sensibility, what with XR, re-wilding, plant-a-billion trees etc. It did turn me off contributing to the thread's question. But ...

    Any more pics? Is it listed (unlikely), in Conservation area - i.e. how does the Planning authority view the preciousness of its 'historic' features? Just the front, or all round?

    External Wall Insulation (EWI) in non-trivial thickness, 6" min, while you're at it, is always top option, way preferable to internal insulation, let alone puny insulating plaster.
    That could maybe do the rear,
    the gable end, depending on tolearble loss of alley width, but the lower storey cd be made thinner with some kind of transition detail at the band course,
    and maybe the non projecting part of the front, so there's no embarassing vertical step-edge in the wall surface at party wall line.
    We are just getting started on our second Ă¢â‚¬â„¢period' house, here is our priority list:

    1. Block up the many many draughts
    2. Ceiling or roof insulation
    3. Ventilation
    4. New Boiler, insulated pipes and cylinder
    5. New windows and doors (see also 1.)
    6. Insulation under ground floors (see also 1.)
    7. New kitchen and bathroom (not eco - just needed)
    8. Wall insulation
    9. Solar panels
    • CommentAuthorjms452
    • CommentTimeSep 22nd 2019
    Is the path down the side shared access?

    Don't rule out EWI based on the 6" figure - The enemy of the good is the best etc.
    We're very pleased with our 80mm phenolic EWI which exceeds regs.
    • CommentTimeSep 22nd 2019
    80 phenolic or similar to gable end ground floor; thicker above; some architectural ingenuity to make it look all right.
    5. Triple glazed if possible , windows lose a lot of heat and you only want to do it once.
    some more inspiration perhaps
    • CommentAuthorGarethC
    • CommentTimeSep 24th 2019
    No heat pump instead of boiler Will?
    Yet TBC, depending how the existing radiators cope this winter. If they are too small they will come out to be replaced by ufh and a heat pump. If they prove ok it will be difficult to justify the ufh, so a boiler will be required.
    Not quite concrete - resin driveway so permeable at least. Parking is a nightmare so one of the big pulls for this place was the ability to create a driveway. Needs must I'm afraid.

    It is in a conservation area so I doubt EWI would fly and I can't see any other examples in the area.

    It needs pretty much everything tbh so was priced accordingly which means I have some budget for renovations. The brutality may continue inside (my excuse being I can't do worse than the previous owner who ripped out or damaged nearly every period feature).

    Priority order looks something like this:

    1. Side return extension and alter internal layout.
    2. Insulate internal walls (somehow) - not looking for perfection just an improvement. Also maintain breathability (see next point).
    3. Re-point in lime where needed, remove cement mortar and wash bricks
    4. Underfloor heating throughout - fitted between joists
    5. Ventilation system - whole house MHVR?
    6. New windows or doors - had quote for double glazed sashes, triple won't fit because of frame size.

    I am coming from a new-build which had a air-source heat pump and underfloor heating throughout so I am familiar with the pros and cons of this type of system.

    Disclaimer is that this is my first renovation so my ideas are purely theoretical at this stage!
    <blockquote><cite>Posted By: jamesingram</cite>some more inspiration perhaps
    <a href="http://www.superhomes.org.uk/" rel="nofollow">http://www.superhomes.org.uk/</a></blockquote>

    This is great thanks.
    • CommentTimeSep 26th 2019
    Posted By: modernvictorianIt is in a conservation area so I doubt EWI would fly

    The powers that be may not care about the sides or rear of the property. The only way to find out is to ask them as Tom suggested.
    • CommentAuthorjms452
    • CommentTimeSep 26th 2019
    <blockquote><cite>Posted By: djh</cite><blockquote><cite>Posted By: modernvictorian</cite>It is in a conservation area so I doubt EWI would fly</blockquote>
    The powers that be may not care about the sides or rear of the property. The only way to find out is to ask them as Tom suggested.</blockquote>

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