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    • CommentAuthorDur
    • CommentTimeDec 18th 2019

    Renovating an Edwardian chalet bungalow and discovering lots of challenges!

    It was t'n'g paneling upstairs with precious little insulation so I knew that would all have to come out.
    Then realised that a beam which should have been installed for a 70s extension had not been put in so got an SE in.

    One thing led to another and now have ended up with three new flitch beams and three substantial steels.
    Just building new knee walls on the beams and figuring insulation in the eaves.

    Also needs a heating system, all new electrics and plumbing etc etc.

    Enjoying the work but it is evening and weekends so slow going and considerable pressure to get some habitable space so we can sell current property.

    Then trying to research just about everything in whatever waking time is left. Hobbies and life are on hold for the time being! Probably would not have started with hindsight!

    Now realise that just about everything is a compromise and trying to research the best decision regularly finds me on this forum.

    Dreams of high level of insulation thwarted by reduction of living space and/or cost but at least it won't be bleeding heat the way it used to.

    Oil heating packed up years ago so maybe will do ASHP but concerned that it is least efficient when you need it the most. I will just about meet renovation standards on roof insulation and struggle with the exterior walls but should, eventually, be able to remove the suspended wooden floor and put UFH downstairs.

    So anyway, that's just me saying hello.
    • CommentTimeDec 18th 2019
    Hello Max and welcome to the forum.

    It sounds like you have taken on a big job! Try to keep a balance so it doesn't overwhelm you. You should be rewarded at the end.

    What is the external appearance like, and are you in a conservation area or whatever? External insulation is most effective and won't take away internal space if you can manage it.

    It's true that heat pumps are less efficient in winter, ASHP especially so, but that's just a fact of life so don't worry too much about it. It will affect the balance between how much insulation is worth while versus heating costs, but a heat pump is most likely the right answer if you can figure out how to get enough insulation.

    Putting in UFH afterwards may be awkward since you will have had to install some other heat emitters in the meantime - big radiators or large air ducts maybe - giving you an additional cost and disposal issue.
    Hello ,
    Does it need re roof tiling , any chance to stick insulation on top rafters ?
    • CommentAuthorDur
    • CommentTimeDec 18th 2019 edited
    Thanks for your replies.
    The house is in a conservation area so external insulation is not an option.

    Being a chalet semi the front and back walls are only one storey and only the gable end wall is a significant area. We are contemplating a small extension on part of it which will help so I am hoping that a little bit of internal insulation on the solid walls will be enough.

    The front roof has been re- tiled just a few years back. The rear is partly covered by a 70s extension.
    We will insulate internally, 75 mm between the (100mm) rafters and 60 mm underneath. Just about squeezes 0.18 but at least will be a mile better than before!

    Re the roof, is 'just a few years back' recent enough for it to have a breathable membrane? If not, it wants 50mm ventilation gap, which will only allow you 50mm between rafters. Ditto the '70's extension.

    Re internal insulation, how little is a 'little bit'? If you are doing more than 50% of the external wall area in any one room you need to comply with Bldg Regs and get 0.3 unless you fall within the remit of one of the 'get-out clauses' (houses built of water-vapour-permeable materials, for example). The risk of interstitial condensation goes up as the U value goes down.
    Posted By: DurThe house is in a conservation area so external insulation is not an option.

    What is the outside - facing brick work or rendered? If it is rendered then external wall insulation (EWI) should be an option because that is also a render finish. You may be able to EWI to the rear (and sides?) of the property depending upon local conservation standards and the CO.
    • CommentAuthorDur
    • CommentTimeDec 19th 2019
    Yes the front roof has a breathable membrane and the back no membrane. Both have 3/4" sarking board with pretty wide gaps between the planks. BC said 75 mm between and 60 under.
    The walls are 9" solid brick . There is not room for 70 + mm internally and externally not possible so it will be some or none. I would love to get everything as low as possible but everything is a compromise sadly.
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