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    • CommentTimeMar 20th 2020
    We've noticed a few strange insects in our house in the past couple of weeks. My wife is puzzled as to where they come from, so I'm trying to identify them.

    They look pretty much like a ladybird, but are light brown with darker brown zigzag stripes across their back (where the spots would normally be). Or maybe they're dark brown with lighter stripes; it's difficult to say.

    I'm afraid I haven't managed to take a photo yet, although we always see them crawling. Google hasn't helped me. Does anybody here recognize them or have any suggestions?
    • CommentAuthorowlman
    • CommentTimeMar 20th 2020
    Extract from: " Collins Field guide for insects, Britain and Europe. "

    Family Coccinellidae:- ( could almost be a variety of Pasta )

    "..... there are nearly 100 species in Europe, of which 42 are resident in the British Isles...........Colours and patterns vary a lot and and cannot be relied on for identifying the species. "

    P. S. (a). No picture of the one you describe but only 15 of the 42 mentioned above are.

    (b). I do have other interests :wink:
    • CommentTimeMar 20th 2020
    Posted By: Nick Parsons?Harlequin Ladybirds? Labelled as 'baddy incomers', I think - but what do I know?!

    Yeah, we get harlequins here, as well as some traditional ones. But these are different, if they actually are ladybirds.

    Posted By: owlmanColours and patterns vary a lot and and cannot be relied on for identifying the species.

    Well, yes but we've seen several and they all look the same. I'll try and get a photo.

    The closest image I've seen is https://www.biolib.cz/en/image/id33722/ but they don't have the black stripe down the centre, just continuous zigzags. As far as I remember, anyway. :)
    • CommentAuthorowlman
    • CommentTimeMar 21st 2020 edited
    Quite possibly a migrant, seasonal, and now stranded, Czech worker? :bigsmile: If they like the usual diet of aphids that'd be OK.

    P.S. On one of my countryside walks throughout the Winter, I know of a gatepost where lots gather in a large huddle and shelter between the gate and the post near the hinge. The numbers wax and wane throughout the Winter months before they disappear for a year.---------- Ladybirds not Czech workers
    • CommentTimeMar 21st 2020
    Posted By: Nick ParsonsI think they are shown in the link I added above

    Sorry, what is shown? The link shows me an imressively long page of photos, one of which I linked to, but none of which seem to be exactly what we've seen?
    Look for Google Lens feature on your phone camera. You take a photo of the beastie, then Google Lens searches the web for similar image files.
    • CommentTimeMar 21st 2020
    Posted By: WillInAberdeenLook for Google Lens feature on your phone camera. You take a photo of the beastie, then Google Lens searches the web for similar image files.

    Good idea, thanks. Sadly it looks like I would have to enable google play store to install the app. I don't trust google that much!
    Post a picture and I'll do it then.
    It's really handy for identifying bits of engines etc and buying unbranded replacements.
    • CommentTimeMar 21st 2020
    When I've got a picture I'll do that, thanks. Haven't seen one since I started the thread.
    ''djh 14 hours ago
    Posted By: Nick Parsons
    I think they are shown in the link I added above

    Sorry, what is shown? The link shows me an imressively long page of photos, one of which I linked to, but none of which seem to be exactly what we've seen? ''

    Sorry, djh, I meant 'zig-zag ladybirds' (generally) are shown, illustrating that there is a wide range. I had missed your link to one similar-ish- to yours. Good luck with the 'hunt'!
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