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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthorphiledge
    • CommentTimeMay 16th 2020
    Has anyone any experience with chimney flue particulate filters, good or bad??
    • CommentAuthorjms452
    • CommentTimeMay 22nd 2020
    Coal power stations have them but I didn't know such things existed at a domestic level.
    To be honest any dead end filter sounds like a recipe for carbon monoxide poisoning.
    • CommentAuthorphiledge
    • CommentTimeMay 22nd 2020
    The filters im looking at are electrostatic ones where theres a charged electrode hanging down the top of the flue that repels particles to the side of the flue where they collect into bigger lumps rather than float away. Next to no restriction on the gas flow:)
    • CommentAuthortychwarel
    • CommentTimeMay 22nd 2020
    My view is if you live somewhere which you feel requires you to put a particulate filter on your flue you shouldn't be burning solid fuels at all.
    • CommentAuthorphiledge
    • CommentTimeMay 22nd 2020 edited
    Posted By: tychwarelMy view is if you live somewhere which you feel requires you to put a particulate filter on your flue you shouldn't be burning solid fuels at all.

    That would cover just about all locations in the UK as most people have someone down wind of them. Were rural but as I dont know how far particulates can travel and as we're comitted to wood CH, Id like to be as clean as we can.
    • CommentAuthorJonti
    • CommentTimeMay 22nd 2020
    Posted By: philedge
    Posted By: tychwarelMy view is if you live somewhere which you feel requires you to put a particulate filter on your flue you shouldn't be burning solid fuels at all.

    That would cover just about all locations in the UK as most people have someone down wind of them. Were rural but as I dont know how far particulates can travel and as we're comitted to wood CH, Id like to be as clean as we can.

    Quite right Philedge. The cleaner you can make it the better regardless of where you live.
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