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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
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    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2020

    Let’s have a careful look at a partially deconstructed wall, the brick outer skin has been removed already and we are looking at the face of the partially remaining blockwork inner skin. There are several serious defects to note:-

    Thermal bridging of bricks used as a top course above the blockwork.
    Sparse use of dots, with no continuous ribbon of adhesive
    Air leakage from the cavity into the void between the blockwork and the plasterboard thermally bypassing any insulating effect the blocks may have had.
    Too few wall ties, perpendicular joints not fully filled
    There was no parge coat, we would see white edges on the far edges of the blocks were it there
    Air leakage path from the plasterboard void into the voids between the first floor joists. From there a draught can enter the house.
    Should we really build houses like this, they are barely more than plasterboard tents, draughty ones at that, cold with high energy demand yet in theory compliant with regulations even called sustainable and eco!
    • CommentAuthorowlman
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2020
    As you say Tony the plasterboad has not been applied as per Manufacturers instructions.
    Euphemistic type phrases like "Dot and Dab" or "Blob and Dob", also engender bad practice because the more stupid ones will take it literally.
    • CommentAuthorphiledge
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2020
    Called at an aquaintances house early this year where hes having a house and an insulated workshop built. He wasnt in and I had a nose at the workshop build to find the brickies had been loosely dropping 100mm PIR into a 110-120 cavity. Gaps all round the insulation so complete waste of time. Dropped him a message and he said the brickies beleived it was ok!!

    Saw an article last autumn on beeb news about the construction industry and some of the footage had a youngish brickie stuffing insulation batts down between the 2 leaves of a cavity build.

    I suspect Tonys wall is pretty common place
    • CommentAuthorrevor
    • CommentTimeMay 22nd 2020
    I am glad we built our own place and supervised closely and laboured for the trades I did not take on. Lot of the issue were with quality of materials the most notable was I had to reject some 400 or so cavity pir batts as not being square. As you added one board to the next they left gaps, and they were special T&G batts as well. It stopped the job for about 3 weeks whilst we got replacements a builder would have carried on, that is part of the issue anything goes with materials.
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