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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    Random thoughts..

    Looking for some kind of land perhaps to buy from the local council or maybe rent a plot locally. I'd like a basic setup as follows:

    Modular mobile office - simple walter segal frame, shipping container, site office. Stacked on top of material store. Maybe 40ft?

    Material and tool storage - shipping container, masonry building. Maybe 40ft?

    Rubbish store - space for a builders skip, perhaps another couple for recycling materials

    Parking - space for a couple cars / vans

    I reckon for £10-15k I could buy the above second hand or even build a basic timber frame, easily taken down or sold on

    Does anyone know what type of land I would need and use in terms of a1, a2 etc? Would an old garage plot be plausible in the centre of a small high street area perhaps?

    I'd need an electric supply or are off grid solutions actually viable. Ideally I'd like to represent Green practices

    Unlikely to be toilet facilities and drainage in the areas I have in mind, could a temporary site office with a welfare unit be temporary for say 5-10 years or are there limits on locating such units?

    Just brainstorming my random thoughts and if anyone's had any similar experiences or setups they could share? You see the pop up car washes with a similar setup minus the skips for instance, just wondering what I need to be looking into or researching

    Planning permission will be your main constraint, which depends on the location.
    Without explaining the entire Town & Country Planning system in England you might find it helpful to spend some time talking to a good planning consultant (or whisper me). Some of your potential sites may be suitable to do what you want easily (e.g. former garage plot).
    A green field site, unlikely.
    it may be easier/cheaper/more straightforward to rent an existing unit with a yard space included.
    Posted By: VictorianecoUnlikely to be toilet facilities and drainage in the areas I have in mind

    An old garage plot in town / the high street will likely have these existing or nearby.

    A green field not so.
    • CommentAuthorCWatters
    • CommentTimeJun 17th 2020
    Will any work or business be done from the site or just it just storage? That might effect planning and rates.

    A self-storage company with spare land?

    Perhaps a local farmer would have space in a barn?
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