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    • CommentAuthorgoodevans
    • CommentTimeSep 24th 2020 edited

    Bulb have just emailed me to let me know that they are putting up my electricity to 16.011ppu (from 14.255ppu) - I thought therefore that this increase is sufficient for me to experiment with the Octopus Agile Tariff.

    As you are all friends here - I'm guessing one of you will be a Octopus customer and so I invite one of you to whisper me a referral code for Octopus please (so we can both benefit). Only regular existing contributors to this forum will be considered.
    One of the reasons Bulb gave for hiking their prices, was the cost of FITs /CFDs. They think they sold fewer units of electricity than expected this year so less to spread the renewable incentives across. Also more costs for paying renewable generators not to generate during low demand.


    Nobody likes paying more, but these changes are maybe a good thing in the long term...?
    • CommentAuthorrevor
    • CommentTimeSep 25th 2020
    Pardon my ignorance How does one whisper? Do I just put the recipient in the" whisper your comments box"
    • CommentAuthorEd Davies
    • CommentTimeSep 25th 2020
    Posted By: revorDo I just put the recipient in the" whisper your comments box"
    • CommentAuthorrevor
    • CommentTimeSep 25th 2020
    Thanks ED that works GR8
    • CommentAuthorgoodevans
    • CommentTimeSep 25th 2020
    And we have a winner - no need to send in your links now. Thanks
    • CommentAuthorJeff B
    • CommentTimeSep 26th 2020

    Bulb have just emailed me to let me know that they are putting up my electricity to 16.011ppu (from 14.255ppu) - I thought therefore that this increase is sufficient for me to experiment with the Octopus Agile Tariff.

    As you are all friends here - I'm guessing one of you will be a Octopus customer and so I invite one of you to whisper me a referral code for Octopus please (so we can both benefit). Only regular existing contributors to this forum will be considered.

    They are putting mine up from 15.071 to 16.914 - that's a 12% increase! (Inflation is currently 0.2%, was 1% until recently). I'm looking to switch.
    • CommentTimeSep 26th 2020 edited
    Posted By: Jeff BThey are putting mine up from 15.071 to 16.914 - that's a 12% increase! (Inflation is currently 0.2%, was 1% until recently). I'm looking to switch.

    Interesting. I'm on the E7 tariff in the east so I have three numbers:
    day rate +7%
    night rate +18% !!!
    standing charge +2.5%

    I don't understand the night rate increase at a time when Octopus Agile goes negative at night sometimes? Can anybody provide any rationale for that? (edit: I have asked them)

    I don't plan on changing yet; I'll wait and see what changes other providers make over a little while first. I'll probably give it until the end of the year or so.
    • CommentAuthorJeff B
    • CommentTimeSep 26th 2020
    Having looked around using Uswitch it seems most suppliers would expect me to accept a smart meter. I have always been opposed to the idea but one of my main objections seems to have been sorted. I was concerned that having a smart meter would cause a problem if I changed energy supplier but it seems the 2nd generation of smart meters are universally compatible. Are there any other considerations that I need to take into account?
    • CommentAuthorrevor
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2020
    I am with Octopus Flexible tariff and don't have a smart meter but I can request one if I want one. They remind me once a month to submit a reading and within a couple of hours I get back a statement. Before they take out the direct debit each month they remind me a few days before hand they are doing so presumably to ensure customers have sufficient funds so as to not go overdrawn. They are a refreshing change to everyone else I have been with and been with several over the years. When I get my solar pv system in I will need a smart meter so I can export. I currently pay 15.29 Kwh and 17.61 daily rate. Any customer referring anyone else gets £50 credited to their account and the new customer also gets £50. I can refer anyone who wants to switch and we both benefit. Just whisper me and will give you a link.
    • CommentAuthorRedDoor
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2020
    There is an issue with smart meters in our neighbourhood - signal. The position of the meters is in a part of the house where there isn't any coverage and so after all the aggravation of the install, meter readings are requested as before
    • CommentAuthorrevor
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2020
    It could be a concern for me also as a good part of our house is thick stone and the rest is foil faced insulation and mobile phone calls are best taken close to a window.
    • CommentAuthorrevor
    • CommentTimeSep 30th 2020
    Rather perverse situation just had an email from Octopus my electricity is going up by 8.3 % but gas is going down by 9.3%. Thought the emphasis is on moving to renewables via electricity. Good news for those on gas though.
    I will be able to fix price for a year but as expect to have solar pv up and running in next few weeks will be changing tariff at some point so not sure worth fixing.
    • CommentAuthordereke
    • CommentTimeJan 5th 2021 edited
    - meant to be a whisper :bigsmile:
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