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    Flat walls left and end over Hemcrete, chimney breast is textured over brick & some stone.

    All ceilings were plasterboard skimmed over by a plasterer! and some stud walls upstairs. Except inside the airing cupboard, which is where I had a go!
    • CommentAuthorkristeva
    • CommentTimeNov 29th 2020
    Posted By: Dominic CooneyFlat walls left and end over Hemcrete, chimney breast is textured over brick & some stone.

    All ceilings were plasterboard skimmed over by a plasterer! and some stud walls upstairs. Except inside the airing cupboard, which is where I had a go!
      http:///newforum/extensions/InlineImages/image.php?AttachmentID=7687" alt="bedroom.JPG" >

    Nice work. Thanks.
    • CommentAuthorkristeva
    • CommentTimeNov 30th 2020
    Posted By: Dominic CooneyFlat walls left and end over Hemcrete, chimney breast is textured over brick & some stone.

    All ceilings were plasterboard skimmed over by a plasterer! and some stud walls upstairs. Except inside the airing cupboard, which is where I had a go!
      http:///newforum/extensions/InlineImages/image.php?AttachmentID=7687" alt="bedroom.JPG" >

    Did you use Hemcrete as wall insulation?

    And can you remember which Lime Putty you used?

    It looks like my property will have to be a mix of Lime and Gypsum too. As I'll be over boarding the ceilings with plaster board they'll be no point using lime and I might as well get a professional in as I don't fancy doing that.
    Posted By: kristevaIt looks like my property will have to be a mix of Lime and Gypsum too. As I'll be over boarding the ceilings with plaster board they'll be no point using lime and I might as well get a professional in as I don't fancy doing that.

    Over here we tape and fill the PB joins rather than skim the whole,- taping and filling is a DIY job
    • CommentAuthorkristeva
    • CommentTimeDec 3rd 2020
    Posted By: Peter_in_Hungary
    Posted By: kristevaIt looks like my property will have to be a mix of Lime and Gypsum too. As I'll be over boarding the ceilings with plaster board they'll be no point using lime and I might as well get a professional in as I don't fancy doing that.

    Over here we tape and fill the PB joins rather than skim the whole,- taping and filling is a DIY job

    I'd heard about this, does this mean I won't need to skim it?
    Yes - no need to skim.
    You use 50mm wide self adhesive mesh tape which is placed over the joins and the jointing filler applied over (and pressed through the tape). youtube has some good demos.
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