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    first time posting here.
    I'm designing a garden room. It will be split in two; one area for entertaining and another for an office for use all year round. Dimension are 3 x 7 metres. Location Bristol, UK.
    Thinking of building using SIPs (250mm from http://www.supersips.uk.com/). I hope to achieve a high airtightness level.

    I'm just started to feel my way around in the SIP area and have a few questions.

    I take some inspiration from Matt Risinger's youtube channel. Located in the US, he promotes the use of Huber ZIP System® Insulated R‑Sheathing and Flashing: ZIP System™ stretch tape.

    1) I'm assuming these are not available in the UK. Can anyone suggest an alternatives please?

    2) The entertaining area must have a large door opening. I'm thinking of a bifold door. Can anyone suggest a mid range priced unit that will give reasonable airtightness (good seals) and good u values?

    3) Where do I start trying to choose windows and doors and getting a good installer who knows about passive house principles (eg tapes)?

    4) If I achieve airtightness levels I assume I'll need some ventilation in the building. What do people recommend for this; single room heat recovery?
    • CommentTimeFeb 28th 2021
    Posted By: betamaxbanditHuber ZIP System® Insulated R‑Sheathing and Flashing: ZIP System™ stretch tape

    I assume this is airtightness tape of some kind? The brands you'll see most often on here are Pro Clima and Siga. Both do a range of tapes (and membranes) for various purposes and have a good reputation for product quality (i.e it stays stuck for many years, unlike a lot of tapes). Siga Rissan is what I used when I wanted to stretch around odd-shaped things. Pro Clima Tescon Vana/Profil for window and door frames etc.

    Where do I start trying to choose windows and doors and getting a good installer who knows about passive house principles (eg tapes)?

    Where depends on what you're looking for in terms of price, technology (wood, UPVC etc), airtightness, U-value etc. Good installers are like hens teeth. A better plan is to do it yourself, IMHO, ideally with some helpers.
    Would love to hear a rough price for the SIP supply material cost for your design if you fancy sharing it at some point
    • CommentAuthorjamesingram
    • CommentTimeFeb 28th 2021 edited
    +1 for the suggestions above.
    Doors windows , you could start looking at Norman or Greenbuilding store , then work your way down in cost and quality.
    I've a personal preference for sliding doors over bifolds , far less to go wrong , better long term. If it's used all year round how often will you have it fully open , some summer months perhaps, a double or triple slider doesn't really reduce you space that much most the year, less mullions blocking your view as well.
    If you're not going full PH windows etc. Visoglide do some good mid price alli DG products with thinner frames
    • CommentTimeFeb 28th 2021
    Posted By: jamesingramI've a personal preference for sliding doors over bifolds , far less to go wrong , better long term.

    +1 on this - we have a lifting, sliding door. It came down to a toss-up between Livingwood and Greensteps for us, but we were looking for PH certification.
    thanks for all the useful comments. I've been researching some of those leads. I'm waiting for a drawing to be completed then I'll post with more details.
    Cheers Betamax.
    • CommentAuthortonya
    • CommentTimeMar 31st 2021
    AS DJH said do it your self if you:
    a) have time
    b) Want to save quite a lot!
    c) make it more individual.
    Making windows for this wouldn't be too hard and would save you £1,000's.
    I am debating making my own and questioning my abilities! However I have made windows and insatlled sealed units which are cheap to buy. Wooden windows using Douglas Fir wood. Bought bench saw from Screwfix for £100 and Sliding Mitre Saw (£60 ) and a small Bosch router (£100) for finishing Given a window - simple wood selaed unit could set you back £600 if you ahave a few it can save you a lot....
    I recognise its a big decision though and down to number of factors, main one being time.

    Good luck
    • CommentTimeMar 31st 2021
    Posted By: tonyaMaking windows for this

    Sorry, just to clarify, I wasn't suggesting making windows yourself. I was suggesting installing them yourself. Not that there's anything wrong with making them yourself if you have the skills. For myself, I don't think I have the skills to achieve the airtightness, wind and water tightness and thermal insulation that I needed to meet PH standard.
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