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Posted By: Mike1When MVHR is used, it would be normal to specify a recirculating cooker hood to clean the air, not an external extractor fan. I'd do that, leaving the MVHR vent as designed.
Posted By: djhHi James,
I think having an extract valve in the kitchen is a good idea, and where you show it seems like a reasonable place. It won't compete with the utility valve because you can set the relative extract rates. This can be done at the valves, or better done where the two ducts separate from each other (will be quieter). The utility duct is noticeably shorter so will tend to have a higher flow rate other things being equal.
All the valves seem to be sensibly placed. Where do the intake and exhaust ducts terminate?
I'm not quite sure what the object in the middle of the kitchen floor is, but I assume it is some kind of central island? You might want to check the clearance between its south-west corner and the north-east corner of the dining table because it seems narrower than all the other passages.
Posted By: JCBGF I believe we will need to have the exhaust valve above the intake valve, possibly with a snorkel arrangement to separate them. The cooker hood will exhaust in the same area so we will need to make sure everything is adequately separated. Any advice here would also be appreciated (!).
Can I ask how one would set the relative extract rates where the two ducts separate from each other please? Some kind of limiter in the duct itself?
Posted By: djhI'm not sure what you mean by a snorkel in this context? Intake and exhaust should be on the same wall (to avoid pressure differences) and separated by 1.5 m (Building Regs Part F has the rules) or else combined in a proprietary terminal[1]. The cooker hood will be pushing out a lot more air a lot faster so separating that from the intake will be more important.
Yes, we have a semi-rigid radial duct system with distributor boxes and each port on the distributor box has a flow restrictor which is chosen to balance the airflow. Conventional branched systems use inline restrictors and differing duct diameters to balance the flow, I believe. The designer will calculate the appropriate components. The terminals can also be adjusted but it's best not to rely on them because they can cause whistling noises when closed too far.
Incidentally, there's a useful article about heat exchanger efficiency at
[1] e.g.
Posted By: tonyFor me, two inlets in the lounge, one each side
Cooker extractor to outside rest ok
Posted By: tonyI don’t like that, grease is an enemy of ductwork and you don’t want in your heat exchanger either, recirculation units are not very good at taking grease out of the air.
Posted By: revorThe kitchen extract valve going into the MVHR should be a fire valve.
Posted By: revorMy understanding of the fire valve is a BC requirement
Posted By: WillInAberdeenThe extract rate that I require from my cooker while I am frying fish and boiling tatties, is a lot more (5x or 10x more) than the extract rate that I require for the other 23.7 hours of the day.
For that reason I'm happy to have a powerful extraction cooker hood, completely separate from the room ventilation!
Posted By: WillInAberdeenThe extract rate that I require from my cooker while I am frying fish and boiling tatties, is a lot more (5x or 10x more) than the extract rate that I require for the other 23.7 hours of the day.
For that reason I'm happy to have a powerful extraction cooker hood, completely separate from the room ventilation!
Posted By: tonyrecirculation units are not very good at taking grease out of the air.Cheap hoods with paper filters certainly aren't going to perform well. But some brands (Bosh, Neff & Miele, at least) are confident enough to publish their EU grease filtering classifications; B rated units remove 85-95% of the the grease, at least under test conditions. The Miele DA 2450 just misses out on Class A, at 94.5%, for example, and can be used in recirculating mode. On the other hand it's going to cost more than the Blauberg D105-A MVHR unit...
Posted By: JCBGFThanks for all the advice. TBH I'm a bit concerned about extraction in the utility room. It has no external walls and will be used almost continuously for line-drying clothes on a hanging rail. There will also be a condenser tumble drier and sink which will be used frequently. The room volume is 13.2 m³.
The Blauberg D105-A unit can theoretically do 16, 22 and 29 litres/second on settings 1,2 and 3. I believe this meets building regs for continuous extract in a utility room (8 litres/second) but I do also want it to actually clear the air in there in real usage. My current Manrose extractor fan in my unrenovated bathroom is theoretically 24 litres/second and it doesn't seem like much - takes a while to clear the room after a shower and we struggle with mould in there.
My concern is that if I have an MVHR extract in the kitchen as well as the utility room, I will be diluting the extract capability from the utility room. The extract requirement for the utility room is the primary driver and will determine the setting the MVHR unit is run at. Thus having an additional kitchen MVHR extract with associated duct and valve losses might mean the unit must be run at a higher setting to achieve adequate utility ventilation than would be required if the utility extract was the only extract vent. I don't want the unit running at its highest setting all the time, nor do I want excessive airflow at the supply vents as a result.
I will have a conventional externally-vented cooker hood in the kitchen and am perfectly happy to use that when cooking and using the sink etc., as I would if I had no MVHR. I am wondering whether the intermittent, on-demand cooker hood extract plus the fresh air from the MVHR supply in the living side of the open-plan kitchen-diner would suffice and allow me to omit the kitchen MVHR extract. The kitchen and utility room doors will remain open most of the time and the distance between them is short. If I had no MVHR then the cooker hood extract would presumably be considered sufficient - the only difference with the MVHR in this case would be some warmed fresh air supplied to the room.
I'm aware that a conventional MVHR system needs an extract in the kitchen and a recirculating cooker hood. I feel like I'm in a bit of a halfway house situation as I dont't "need" and MVHR and plan to use my externally-exhausted cooker hood normally. I'm just trying to ventilate the utility room adequately, capture some of that otherwise wasted heat and provide a bit of warmed fresh air to the TV room and the living side of the open-plan kitchen. I'm not aspiring to a "full" MVHR system, just trying to make a reasonable effort on the energy efficiency and ventilation fronts within what is practicable.
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