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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeOct 13th 2022
    How can not changing the clocks save energy?
    there was a campaign to try and do this a few years back. 2012
    "lighter later"
    it listed the benefits
    Lighter Later is about shifting Britain’s clocks forward by one hour throughout the year. In other words, instead of setting our clocks to GMT in winter and GMT+1 in summer, we would set them to GMT+1 in winter and GMT+2 in summer. We would still put our clocks forward in spring and back in autumn, but the sun would rise and set one hour later throughout the year, which would mean that more people are up and around when there is daylight.

    Moving Britain’s clocks forward in this way has the potential to:

    1 Cut at least 447,000 tonnes of CO2 pollution – equivalent to more than 50,000 cars driving all the way around the world – each year [1]

    2 Save 80 lives each year and prevent hundreds of serious injuries by making the roads safer [2]

    3 Lower our electricity bills by maximising the available daylight and reducing peak power demand [3]

    4 Create 60,000–80,000 new jobs in leisure and tourism, bringing an extra £2.5–3.5 billion into the economy each year [4]

    5 Reduce crime and the fear of crime [5]

    6 Help make people healthier and tackle obesity by giving people more time to exercise and play sport outside in the evening [6]

    7 Save the NHS around £138 million a year through reducing road casualties [7]

    8 Improve quality of life for older people [8]

    9 Make the nation happier – including reducing the effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder [9]

    10 Demonstrate that dealing with climate change can be good for the economy, good for people and good for society as a whole"
    That was a very comprehensive answer to a very short question!
    • CommentAuthorjamesingram
    • CommentTimeOct 22nd 2022 edited
    Posted By: Dominic CooneyThat was a very comprehensive answer to a very short question!

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