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Posted By: fostertomPosted By: WillInAberdeenDon't think the UK taxpayers are paying anything upfront for HPCTrue.
Unfortunately the excellent idea of dumping HS2, at this late, or any, stage won't bring in the excellent alternative, HSUK," rel="nofollow" >,which would have spent the same money in a vast progamme of large and small cures of the network-pinch-points throughout the whole existing system, to improve capacity, speed, reliability, usefulness and pleasantness, consistently everywhere, for freight and passenger traffic alike.
Posted By: WillInAberdeenI don't believe it will save money to halt work and start again though!Yes unfortunately the opportunity for a bit of thought has passed.
Posted By: CWattersIf looking for sacred cows... How about joining the Common Market to boost growth?Ah, but how many of those are in Scotland? What order should we hold the referendums - brexit reversal first, or Scottish exit first, or maybe Northern Ireland exit first?
"Rejoining EU takes record 14-point lead in latest poll"
Posted By: lineweighthigh speed ... means you can shove a greater number of trains along the pipeline per hour, than you can on a slower lineReally? Only if the critical factor is distance between trains - but at higher speed reaction time covers more distance pro rata, and stopping distance increases (kinetic energy to be dissipated) as the square of the speed. Safe frequency of trains is governed by the signalling system - how quickly and reliably it can detect and locate train problems, react appropriately and automatically and reliably stop the following train(s).
Posted By: lineweightThe HS2 trains apparently can operate as paired units with a total length of 400m and carry 1100 passengers.And apparently Swiss trains can be a kilometre long, with seven drivers, and I think it was 150 passengers?
Posted By: fostertomWot r u even talkin about Dave?
Sounds interesting - say more?
Posted By: fostertomRail won't be the sole answer for ever - driverless road and electrified air are set for expanded capacity at vanishing GHG/pollution cost
Posted By: lineweightNo-one knows when driverless cars are going to become feasible for widespread use. I'd put my money on decades.
Posted By: lineweightElectric vehicles solve almost none of the fundamental problems with car dependency. They don't address congestion. They don't address the negative effects that the infrastructure needed for widespread individual vehicle use has on the daily environment we live in. They don't solve issues to do with equity of access to transport. They don't even solve problems with local air pollution - just make it less bad.
Posted By: lineweightLots of people love the idea of driverless electric vehicles because they appear to solve all our problems without anyone having to make any change in their habits.
Posted By: lineweightWe should be focused on reducing dependancy on individualised, private transport, and investing in public transport that is available to everyone.