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    Does anyone have a good recommnedation for a PV kit, including inverter and batteries?

    Somethingin the range of 6 kWp total for the panels and 9kWh total for the battery storage. Looking for something that can be bought by the client and then installed by an electricien.

    • CommentAuthorJohn Walsh
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2022
    If the system is going to be UK grid connected, need to be aware that September changes to UK grid compliance (G98, G99) mean that manufacturers are currently attempting to get compliance for inverters (over 300 applications currently registered with ENA). At least one popular manufacturer, Victron, are currently unable to say when (if?) their Multiplus II inverters will be compliant - something to do with LFSM-O compliance. Maybe best to check with the ENA database before buying kit https://www.ena-eng.org/gen-ttr/index?Action=Home
    • CommentAuthorjamesingram
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2022 edited
    if uk , 0% vat on supply and fitting. Is the client VAT registered ?
    cheaper end from China
    JA solar panels
    Solis inverter
    Best panels for environmental credentials probably
    REC norwegian company
    Best Inverters for panels with a variety of orientations or fancy monitoring.
    Solar edge with optimisers

    check out http://www.windandsun.co.uk/
    • CommentAuthorphiledge
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2022
    +1 for Solaredge inverters but if you want batteries, their current 10kwh Energy Bank is circa £7500!!! Can use non Solaredge AC coupled ones though
    Thanks for the responses. Its for a French client that has been quoted 18k euros to fit a system using Trinsolar panels,Sofar inverter and 4x Pylontech batteries.Including installatioin.

    Just seeing if there is a cheaper way of doing it.
    • CommentAuthorphiledge
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2022
    18k euro sounds alot but don't what regs apply in France and what you have to do for a grid connection. With a 6kw system there'd be a G99 application over here which takes a bit of time. MCS install carries a cost for admin.

    For components guesstimate would be-
    16x370watt panels at £170 plus delivery= 2900
    Mounting rails=1000
    Isolators, meter, connectors, labels, cable= 500
    Batteries= 3000??
    Scaffold= 500

    Approx £9000 incl a guessed £3k for batteries
    <blockquote><cite>Posted By: philedge</cite>18k euro sounds alot but don't what regs apply in France and what you have to do for a grid connection. With a 6kw system there'd be a G99 application over here which takes a bit of time. MCS install carries a cost for admin.

    For components guesstimate would be-
    16x370watt panels at £170 plus delivery= 2900
    Mounting rails=1000
    Isolators, meter, connectors, labels, cable= 500
    Batteries= 3000??
    Scaffold= 500

    Approx £9000 incl a guessed £3k for batteries</blockquote>

    Thanks for the breakdown, very useful.

    In france its pretty straight forward.

    Unfiortunaley you pay 20 percent VAT on anything over 3 kWp installed, under 3kWp its 10percent.

    The cost of installation is about 3k.
    • CommentAuthorrevor
    • CommentTimeNov 14th 2022
    A neighbour has recently taken a different approach. He has built an off grid system but retained on grid capability. He has JA solar panels 8 x 400 w, a charge controller and 12 x 12 v LA solar batteries giving him 18 kw of storage and 9 kw inverter. He isolates the grid when off grid and switches over to grid when no solar or batteries out of juice. Has avoided the grid connection issue and no need for MCS approved gear although think it all is. (Batteries at moment are except of MCS approval). i have yet to get to see it.
    • CommentAuthorJohn Walsh
    • CommentTimeNov 14th 2022
    Posted By: revorHe isolates the grid when off grid and switches over to grid when no solar or batteries out of juice. Has avoided the grid connection issue

    In the UK, the DNO are the people who decide if there is a need for compliance, e.g. if there's any charging of batteries from the grid then is compliance needed?
    • CommentAuthorrevor
    • CommentTimeNov 15th 2022
    Posted By: John WalshIn the UK, the DNO are the people who decide if there is a need for compliance, e.g. if there's any charging of batteries from the grid then is compliance needed?

    Don't know but if it did would it apply to EV's, I guess not as think I would have heard about it.
    • CommentAuthorphiledge
    • CommentTimeNov 15th 2022
    If your EV is capable of export from the battery, then youd likely need permission from the DNO if total potential export is more than 16amp from the house/PV/EV combined
    DNO require informing, its permisison, if a battery storage system connected to an electrical installation, is to be used as a backup , islanded from the grid.
    Battery storage is considered a form of microgeneration.

    see SSEN form

    • CommentAuthorphiledge
    • CommentTimeNov 15th 2022 edited
    Posted By: jamesingramDNO require informing, its permisison, if a battery storage system connected to an electrical installation, is to be used as a backup , islanded from the grid.

    Grid connected battery storage(on its own) only needs permission if its potential output is greater than 16amp. 16amp or less and its a G98 notification.

    I'm not sure how V2G is progressing but I assume the battery output is going to be capped at 16amp and the car(or charger) will come with a G98 cert?? Hope the car sales guys are going to cover the implications of buying anything with a greater than 16amp grid output, or connecting a V2G EV where theres alresdy PV/house batteries!
    • CommentAuthorjamesingram
    • CommentTimeNov 15th 2022 edited
    Phil , yes , thats how I understand it to be.
    To clarify G98 is the permission , just one you get post installation.
    You inform the DNO of the microgenerator connected to the installation, if less than 16A then permission is considered automatic by the DNO.(other than a few caveats , such as multiple installation, installation less than 500m away from each other, grid connected batteries in combination with other microgeneration etc)
    anything over 16A (less than 50) requires a G99 pre installation application

    As the DNO considers batteries to also be a form of microgeneration combine that with a PV inverter and you may end up having more than 16A at a point in time even though your PV inverter and AC battery inverter may be rated individually at that point. That's when they ask for proof of an 'export limitation scheme' if that happens to be the case.

    in practice this is straight forward to resolve by using export limting devise controlled by a wired meter or CT clamp

    V2G isnt something im up on but I imagine you'll need a G99 or proof of an export limitation scheme in the situations you outline.
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