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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthorlsx
    • CommentTimeDec 10th 2022 edited

    I have some upvc window units that for various reasons I would like to be moved inwards (towards the inside of the house) within their reveals. I was thinking of asking on here about the benefits of doing this, but I've realised even if it turns out to be a good idea, I'm not sure who would be able to help me carry the work and also whether changing an installation is allowed by someone who's not fensa approved.

    I'm thinking the task is:

    Remove inner trim panels
    Remove glazing
    Remove frame fixings securing frame to building
    Move frame unit 15mm inwards
    Refix frame to house using existing holes in frame
    Refit glazing / trims.

    I'm guessing window firms won't be interested as they're not supplying. I've looked for independent window fitters, but I just can't find one in West Yorkshire.

    Any advice on who might be able to help would be appreciated
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeDec 10th 2022
    Normal carpenter or jobbing builder.

    Not rocket science and not difficult, will plaster get in the way internally?
    • CommentAuthorrevor
    • CommentTimeDec 10th 2022
    You will need to be aware of the location of the cavity if it is a cavity wall so you can ensure a sound fixing. You can use straps if need be. 15 mm does not sound much what benefit will you get? Seems a lot of work particulalry finishing off. You do not need to be FENSA approved to do your own work.
    • CommentAuthorlsx
    • CommentTimeDec 10th 2022 edited
    Originally the property had sash windows installed, but these have long since been taken out. We've still got one of the original windows in a cellar though so you can see what they looked like.

    When the sashes were still there, a few inches of each side sat behind external brickwork. But when replacements were fitted, the width of the new windows was only as wide as the width of the opening in the external brick (so nothing of the replacements was set behind external brickwork) if that makes sense?. It looks like to allow fixing to the masonry, 2x2 battens were then installed each side of the frame. You can see one of the battens at the side of the window below. Normally the battens and window casing are covered by thin ply panels but I've removed these.

    I have come along and found the currently installed windows very cold and draughty even though they are all 10 year old WHS Halo units in good condition. The silicone seal around the outside of the window has holes in it you can fit your little finger through, plus there's no insulation of any kind between the frame and the building.

    For ref, the frames are 70mm deep but 15mm of this sits in the opening of the external brickwork. So one of my thoughts was to move the window 15mm inwards (towards the house) so I could then fit frame extenders and have the window unit sit behind the external brickwork like the sashes used to. My reason for doing that was to create a better seal against the brickwork, make it easier to insulate etc. But I'm not sure of the exact benefit of moving the frame inwards over just moving the battens over an inch or so and insulating the space were the battens currently are.
    • CommentAuthorlsx
    • CommentTimeDec 11th 2022 edited
    • CommentAuthorlsx
    • CommentTimeDec 11th 2022 edited
    • CommentAuthorlsx
    • CommentTimeDec 11th 2022 edited
    • CommentAuthorlsx
    • CommentTimeDec 11th 2022 edited
    • CommentAuthorlsx
    • CommentTimeDec 11th 2022 edited
    • CommentAuthorlsx
    • CommentTimeDec 11th 2022 edited
    • CommentAuthorlsx
    • CommentTimeDec 11th 2022 edited
    I wish you could delete posts!!
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