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    • CommentAuthorRex
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2023
    What ho one and all,

    Hoping you can point me in a web search direction that I am unable to find.

    X years ago, I made a rather nice lamp from some large diameter bamboo and a Japanese fan. Mains powered with a 25w pigmy lamp. It is annoying to use as where we would like it, there is no point point close by.

    I am therefore thinking of changing to a batter powered LED so the light would be more of less 'portable.' But I cannot find any LED pigmy bulbs that are battery powered. Of course, there are any number of mains powered LED lamps, 12v car bulb replacements and all those Christmas string lights (battery powered).

    Does such a bulb exist and if so, where do I find it?

    You would need about a 3W LED lamp.

    3 Watts is quite a lot of power for a small battery, eg it would drain an AA cell in about an hour.

    What is your acceptable trade off between lower light levels vs how often you are prepared to recharge the batteries Vs fitting a longer mains flex cable?

    Those battery Xmas lights never seem to last through Xmas into New Year on a single set of cells.

    Edit: nice looking lamp by the way, clever idea.
    • CommentAuthorowlman
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2023
    Not exactly the same set up you now have, but this is the closest I've seen that you could modify in use, and quite small @ 80 x 80 x 137mm, although out of stock currently. You may be able to find something similar.

    • CommentAuthorMike1
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2023 edited
    For an alternative, search for a '3w USB doughnut lamp' - you can get clip-on ones with flexible stems - and connect it to a usb power bank. If you're lucky, you may find a cylindrical power bank that will slot into the bamboo.
    • CommentAuthorRex
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2023
    Thanks for the replies.

    Am not after a 25W bulb as it is just a kinda mood / corner light that looks nice when illuminated. I agree that the Christmas string lights do not last the whole period but we have a couple of strings for the entrance path and three AA batteries give 8 hrs per day for around ten days. May be I could scrunch one of the shorter strings into a ball?

    As the light would only be on for a few hours in the evening, a low power LED would be fine. Perhaps I could adapt one of those elasticated head lamps? But the beam tends to be spot rather than wide.
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