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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
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    • CommentAuthormarsaday
    • CommentTimeFeb 24th 2023 edited
    I have a flat valley about 500mm wide dividing two semis on the roof.

    I had a crack in the valley where another valley runs into it. The valley is felted or they have used rubber. I can't fully tell, but is older.

    So i coated this valley in fibrepol (a sticky water proof paint solution with fibres) and it looked like it helped improve the thickness of the felt covering.

    After this (a few days later) i stuck a patch of lead over the cracked area to sort of do a puncture repair on the roof. I tucked the lead under the last section of rubber valley descending into this area and ran it out into the damaged area which is felt or rubber. The lead is a patch 30cm wide and 60cm in length. So water coming down the valley running into the damaged valley will travel over this piece of lead.

    Water then pools a little and sits where i now have my lead patch, but the lead has improved this pooling quite a bit.

    However, the Stixall i used didn't adhere and the lead just peeled up when i tugged it.

    So i cleaned off the lead and applied the CT1 adhesive and this stuck a lot better.

    Today has been the first day of rain for quite a few weeks and the leak is still there, but is much improved.

    So i need to reattached this lead patch again as it must be letting water in underneath it.

    What other product could i use to get the lead to stick down ? Would leadmate be a better bet ?

    Replacing the whole run of felt is most likely the best option, but I dont think the block of flats has enough money to take it up and reslate around the lower sections draining into this valley.
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeFeb 25th 2023
    Replacing in lead would be better, I was most likely lead originally
    • CommentAuthormarsaday
    • CommentTimeFeb 25th 2023
    Ideally but there is no money for that so i need to repair it.

    I just need to try another product to see if this will do the job. Stixall was no good, CT1 adhesive is better but we still have a leak. So my next option is to try leadmate. I assume this will bond well to the lead, but not sure if it will bond to the felt/rubber coated now with fibrepol.
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeFeb 25th 2023
    Don’t tell anyone this but I have done some using sandpaper, thorough clean over the problem area then used two coats of a resin on fibreglass mesh, very successfully.

    It is a bodge though - I always spend time inspecting before deciding the course of action
    • CommentAuthormarsaday
    • CommentTimeFeb 25th 2023
    Ok i could try this. I have some fibreglass mesh left over. Just need a small tin of resin.
    • CommentAuthorArtiglio
    • CommentTimeFeb 25th 2023
    If CT1 has failed , i’d suggest that either there is another leak or the application was not done well enough.
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