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    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2023 edited
    • CommentAuthorrevor
    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2023
    Why not.
    Fibres are already added to screeds for added strength.
    Is the problem trying to use less concrete or trying to get rid of nappies somewhere..
    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2023
    Stop using disposable nappies and go back to traditional washable ones? :devil:
    That's one of the ones where people have strong opinions but the science is not clear either way!

    Eg the Environment Agency think that the total impact of washing cloth nappies (energy, water use) is about the same as the impact of manufacturing/disposing the single use ones.

    A lot depends on whether they are tumble dried, or hung outside on a line (which comes down to whether there is a parent staying at home all day as was traditional, or whether both parents have to work in the modern way and there's nobody free to get a load of nappies dried every day!)

    We looked into this a lot with our kids and ended up doing both options at different stages.

    • CommentAuthorJonti
    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2023
    I am really confused by the previous comment. If there is nobody there to get a load of nappies dried each day then who is there to change the nappies? Also, I find that most things dry fine even if you leave them unattended.
    A) Many kids go into daycare so both parents can keep their jobs and pay the bills; nobody is home during the day.

    B) washing left unattended on the line in Scotland in March is not guaranteed to be dried by evening, but the child will need dry nappies the next day nonetheless. So they end up being tumble dried, which the EA found negates their benefit.
    • CommentAuthorJonti
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2023
    Posted By: WillInAberdeenA) Many kids go into daycare so both parents can keep their jobs and pay the bills; nobody is home during the day.

    B) washing left unattended on the line in Scotland in March is not guaranteed to be dried by evening, but the child will need dry nappies the next day nonetheless. So they end up being tumble dried, which the EA found negates their benefit.

    Indoors. Anyway, not to worry. Was just curious as to why it was not possible. Also live in Scotland, also both working.
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