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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthorJeff B
    • CommentTimeJun 10th 2023
    A 300 litre all-copper vented thermal store manufactured by the Newark Copper Cylinder Company, Newark. U.K. It has its own built in F&E tank at the top. It has two immersion heaters (both working) and it is insulated with approx 25mm of foam. It has seven pockets for attaching thermocouples.

    Approx overall dimensions are: Ht: 1900 mm Diam: 550 mm.

    I will upload a photo and a key to connections as separate files.

    The store has three coils: a 12 metre finned coil, two concentric 6 metre finned coils (total length 12 metres) and one solar coil.

    It was used in conjunction with a biomass (wood pellet) boiler and solar thermal panels and supplied (indirect) a conventional wet central heating system.

    From new it was dosed with Fernox AF10 biocide to prevent microbiological growth. After decommissioning the store contents were tested for Legionella by a professional laboratory and no Legionella organisms were detected. A certificate for this is available.

    Due to its size and weight the store would need to be collected by the intended purchaser. It does have the facility to attach a suitable hook to the floor of the F&E chamber for lifting purposes.

    For sale: offers around £600.
    • CommentAuthorJeff B
    • CommentTimeJun 10th 2023
    Annotated photo of thermal store
      Index to connections edited.jpg
    • CommentAuthorJeff B
    • CommentTimeJun 10th 2023
    Key to the photo:

    Key Connection Purpose
    A 28mm brass compression Direct connection to store
    B 28mm brass compression Direct connection to store
    C 28mm brass compression Direct connection to store
    D 28mm brass compression Direct connection to store
    E 22mm brass compression Upper connection to 12m finned copper coil
    F 22mm brass compression Lower connection to 12m finned copper coil
    G 22mm brass compression Upper connection to solar coil
    H 22mm brass compression Lower connection to solar coil
    I Immersion heater 2 x 3kW electric heaters as back up heat source
    J 28mm brass compression Upper connection to 2 x 6m finned copper coil
    K 28mm brass compression Lower connection to 2 x 6m finned copper coil
    L 21mm plastic Overflow
    M 15mm brass compression Cold mains supply to F&E tank
    N Pocket For thermocouples/temperature sensors
    O 15mm brass compression Drain outlet
    • CommentAuthorJeff B
    • CommentTimeJun 10th 2023
    Location is Pembrokeshire.
    • CommentAuthorGreenPaddy
    • CommentTimeJun 12th 2023
    Hi Jeff,

    I might have a client interested in your old TS, if it's not already gone.
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