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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthorMike1
    • CommentTimeJul 4th 2023 edited
    Posted By: WillInAberdeenIsn't the idea of a ground loop that solar heat falls on the ground in the summer and warms it up by a few degrees, storing heat for the ground loop to draw down in the winter.

    How would that work in such a city situation where there's no bare ground for the solar heat to fall on to, just buildings and their shadows?
    The boreholes would be tens of meters deep, maybe over 100, where ground temperatures remain pretty stable year round, heated by geological processes. And maybe a little by the London Underground, Dominic :)

    I'm sure the borehole depth would take into account need for the heat to rebalance during the summer. I guess the presence or absence of groundwater would be a significant factor in that.
    • CommentAuthorcjard
    • CommentTimeJul 4th 2023
    "How much is noise an issue, in the end?"

    On my unit the vibrating noise from the heat transfer fluid being pumped round the tank coil is an order of magnitude louder than the external unit's fan

    "I don't feel like I hear much about it being a complaint"

    Because it's not. The road most people live next to makes more noise

    "If I try to imagine"

    Better to go find that arrangement and sit in a room with an open window next to it for real?
    Posted By: cjard"How much is noise an issue, in the end?"

    On my unit the vibrating noise from the heat transfer fluid being pumped round the tank coil is an order of magnitude louder than the external unit's fan

    "I don't feel like I hear much about it being a complaint"

    Because it's not. The road most people live next to makes more noise

    "If I try to imagine"

    Better to go find that arrangement and sit in a room with an open window next to it for real?

    It would be virtually impossible to find that arrangement - 3 or 4 ASHP units within 10m of a window, because they simply aren't that commonplace at the moment. Especially in urban environments.
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