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    • CommentAuthorLouiseSJPP
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2023
    I'm having a hard time getting to grips with specifying and choosing a reversible split air con unit. It's for my house in northern Spain. Between differing units of heating / cooling capacity (kW, btu/hr, Kcal, Kfrig...), a general reluctance to state electrical power consumption and trying to work in Spanish, I'm a bit lost.
    Situated in a ground floor living space of 20m2, the prime function for the unit is to reduce humidity of the house built into a hillside, in a forest.
    The second function is to provide background heat. As we spend some months away from home, having a heat source with a drying function to switch on automatically will protect the house when we're not there. When we are there, we have a boiler stove in that space, but at 5kW to room (plus 10 to water which looks after the rest of the house) a bit of heat at the other end of the space will be useful.
    The third function is to provide some relief from summertime extreme temperatures and high humidity, as we've had some very unpleasant episodes recently.
    The house is double glazed and the thick stone walls seem to provide a reasonable degree of insulation. I'm thinking 1 or 2kW of electrical input giving maybe 2.5 or 5kW of heating / cooling may be about the right size.
    Can anyone offer advice, opinion or experience on how to size, where to buy, who might install it.
    We're in Valcarlos, Navarra.
    • CommentAuthorowlman
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2023
    Hi Louise, you mention "split units" how many splits, and where would they be located. I assume you're looking at wall hung units. You say the home is built into a hillside which may limit your choice of indoor unit location, unless you choose to have refrigerant pipework indoors.
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