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    • CommentAuthorGBP-Keith
    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2023 edited
    Hi folks. Just an advance notice that I have decided to close down the forum and Green Building Press websites some time in 2024. I’ll keep you posted as I make more firm dates for the shutdown. Thank you all so much for your support over the years.
    Hi Keith,

    Thank YOU! For your hosting for all these years, for putting up with my various e-mails and so on, and for the erstwhile Green Building Bibles. We all have a lot to thank you for.

    I know less than B***er all about forums (fora?), and I think the discussions re functionality suggest that we would effectively have to start again, but if there was 'critical mass' for a resurrection, and subject to all the necessary 'subject to's', would you be open to a 'transfer proposal' rather than a shut-down? Just a thought...
    • CommentAuthorJonti
    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2023
    Hi Keith,

    sad but understandable. I have learned an awful lot of very useful info from this forum and it is without doubt the most pleasant forum to participate in. I would echo the question of Nick about 'transfer proposal'.

    Thank you so much for what you have done
    • CommentAuthorGarethC
    • CommentTimeDec 4th 2023
    I wouldn't have my business were it not for this forum. I imagine a wrench for you Keith. Must have been a bit of blood, sweat and tears over the years. Also happy to lend my support to a port. The guys on camelot set up their forum after closure of the navitron forum, so may have some advice.
    • CommentAuthorSeatonian
    • CommentTimeDec 5th 2023
    As a complete newbie - to both the forum and the forum's topic - I've not spent much time looking at threads / posts etc but what I have read does undoubted reveal this to be a most valuable resource.

    I've some experience of setting up and running forums - including migrating / porting - and would also like to offer my assistance in keeping this body of work not just available but also active, if at all possible.

    atb, Seatonian
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeDec 5th 2023
    So sad, I am up for transfer and willing to help.
    • CommentAuthormarktime
    • CommentTimeDec 6th 2023
    Thanks for your work, Keith in maintaining this forum alive and healthy, Probably time I left too after 16 years of finding incredibly useful information
    • CommentAuthorJeff B
    • CommentTimeDec 6th 2023
    Wow, that's sad news. I was a complete newbie on here back in 2007 when I joined (can't believe that was 16 years ago!) and the amount of advice I have received has been tremendous. Also noticeable is the civility of the various posters on the GBF, something which is not always present in other forums these days! Unfortunately I am a complete technophobe so am unable to offer any help in creating/running an Internet forum. I just hope that some others will be able to resurrect the GBF.

    Thank you Keith for all your efforts.

    Aside from being a diverting lunchtime read, I've also genuinely enjoyed the interactions on here and the fact that we as a community of individuals come from so many different career backgrounds. I described this forum once as akin to a chat with like-minded strangers in a pub. Everyone brings something different to the conversation and we only tend to argue over politics..!

    Completely understand that it's probably a pain to maintain, however, but I'll certainly be waving goodbye with a heavy heart.

    Keep us posted on any chances of resurrection/transfer.
    • CommentTimeDec 6th 2023 edited
    I have some idea of, and much empathy for (it coulda been me!), the whole long saga since your creation of the Association for Environmentally Conscious Builders (as it was to begin with), the ins and outs of that, the transfer of your energy and enthusiasm to create GBF, Build for the Future mag and Green Building Press, eventually a natural winding-down, but loyally keeping it going for so long. Time indeed to rest on your laurels!

    And yes, hope that the young uns will take GBF on, in all its unique friendliness - and its continued archival relevance even in an ephemeral age of likes and flimsy reactivity.
    • CommentAuthorborpin
    • CommentTimeDec 7th 2023
    I'll echo the thanks - this has been an incredibly useful resource.

    As mentioned elsewhere, it would be good if the community could continue and there was a means of transferring the data into another system.

    Discorse is the obvious route for a new platform. At the very least being able to send an invite out to any new platform would be a good way to keep the group together! There does seem to be a route https://meta.discourse.org/t/migrate-a-vanilla-forum-to-discourse/27273

    Keith, if you'd be happy to facilitate putting a few of us in touch and we could see what we could cobble together.

    It really would be a shame to see it die :cry:
    • CommentAuthorMike1
    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2023
    Like those above, I've appreciated this forum and the thoughtful nature of the discussions. Thanks Keith!

    Having run a few websites (though no forums) I'd also be pleased to help transfer the forum elsewhere, if Keith is agreeable, not least to preserve the accumulated knowledge.
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeDec 9th 2023
    • CommentAuthorSprocket
    • CommentTimeDec 9th 2023
    I know I've been quiet on here the last few years but it was here and really helpful when I really needed it.

    Thankyou Keith, and thanks to everyone else for all the help even when I was just lurking.

    I learned a lot and would have had a lot more problems and no clue how to handle them if it were not for this forum.

    Cheers everyone.
    If it survives in some form I hope I get to find out.
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeDec 12th 2023 edited
    I am thinking of organising a meeting of those interested and willing to help with transfer/migration/continuation, providing Keith is OK with those ideas.

    So far: Mike 1, Seatonian, tony, borpin, Nick Parsons, djh, Jeff B, Gareth, Wookey,

    please add your name in the thread and I will edit you in to this list,
    Yes, happy to be involved in some capacity or other, though I am not a techie, and particularly not a Forum techie. I imagine however that there would need to be some sort of Management Group. Count me in for that, in principle.
    • CommentTimeDec 12th 2023
    I'm happy to help.

    I feel I should point out that it is likely to cost some money to keep it going, and we need to consider that aspect.
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeDec 12th 2023
    Thanks, folk
    • CommentAuthorJeff B
    • CommentTimeDec 12th 2023
    Posted By: djhI'm happy to help.

    I feel I should point out that it is likely to cost some money to keep it going, and we need to consider that aspect.

    I would be happy to chip in if the forum was to be available only on subscription. Obviously as a retired person on a modest pension it would all depend on the proposed cost!
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeDec 12th 2023
    Wondering about grant funding for example https://www.tnlcommunityfund.org.uk/funding/under10k but the title is wrong as funding for under £20k
    • CommentTimeDec 12th 2023 edited
    Worth a try. :bigsmile: I don't think it will/would cost a lot and I'd go along with Jeff's suggestion if necessary. But I feel there is a need to make sure the plan covers finance in the future as well as future changes of maintainers etc.
    • CommentAuthorGarethC
    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2023
    How much are we talking in terms of cost? I was thinking of offering to host off my business website if it helped. It would be a crying shame for the forum to close, and I guess it might even be a benefit to my business to host. However the Navitron forum's demise might represent a cautionary tale regarding being dependent on a business.
    Though I'm now a lurker on GBF, it's been a big part of my routine for many years, I'm very sorry to see it go and very grateful for all the contributors here.

    I've no useful forum skills, but would be keen to donate or subscribe, maybe a justgiving page could raise donations?

    Need to be mindful of GDPR and copyright if users' personal contact details and previous postings were transferred over to a different company.

    As another suggestion, the community could relocate ourselves en masse to a different forum who have already gone up the learning curve of setting themselves up and have infrastructure in place? Perhaps by agreement with their organisers. Buildhub or camelot-forum have green building subforums which we could occupy, maybe there are others?
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2023
    I refuse to use just giving, they take too much out of the charity sector but sound like they put it in!
    Didn't know that, seems they deduct 1.9% of donations. Happy to donate/subscribe on whatever platform is best.
    • CommentAuthorJulio
    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2023 edited
    I have found the forum very useful and interesting over the years and appreciate all of the work that must be behind it. I hope that there can be a way for it to move forwards to pastures fair in the future.
    • CommentAuthorsgt_woulds
    • CommentTimeDec 15th 2023
    Aww no! I've not logged in for a couple of weeks due to kidney stones and a heavy hacking cold, followed by a lovely dose of Covid, and I come back to this? :cry:

    I echo the sentiments of everyone else who has had the pleasure of using GBF over the years. Thanks Keith!

    Unfortunately, I have absolutely zero computer skills so cannot offer anything other than encouragement, but I will watch the transition with interest and no doubt learn something new from the experts along the way, which has always been the joy of this forum.
    • CommentAuthorowlman
    • CommentTimeDec 15th 2023
    End of an era?, but it doesn't have to be. It can be just the changing of the guard.
    With the obvious goodwill that exists a solution can be found. Future self builders and DIYers deserve this archive of the multifarious advice and experiences, to be somehow saved.
    For 16 years I've enjoyed reading and occasionally adding my two pennyworth, gained during a lifetime of professional wood whittling, and renovation projects. It's like saying goodbye to an old friend.
    My IT skills are very basic, you tend not to need them when pushing wood through a spindle moulder. I don't own a cell phone, so the simple connectivity and layout of this forum suited me to a tee. I guess there are many others like me, old fashioned if you like, which possible explains the general geniality of the forum. Loads of newbies have remarked on it. That courteousness hopefully could, indeed should, continue in any future forum form.
    Thank you Keith, and I understand your desire to let go the reins. Should someone smarter than me wish to move the forum on, then count on my support, I may still have something useful to contribute.
    • CommentAuthorowlman
    • CommentTimeDec 15th 2023
    How about a final dinner, perhaps regional ones?
    • CommentAuthorsgt_woulds
    • CommentTimeDec 15th 2023
    "so the simple connectivity and layout of this forum suited me to a tee"

    Yes, no flashy pictures, no pop-ups, such a blessed relief from modern websites...
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