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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
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    • CommentTimeDec 23rd 2023 edited
    An interesting parallel development:

    https://www.nrel.gov/grid/ochre.html - OCHRE: Object-Oriented Controllable High-Resolution Residential Energy Model

    https://github.com/NREL/OCHRE "A high-fidelity, high-resolution residential building model with behind-the-meter DERs and flexible load models that integrates with controllers and distribution models in building-to-grid co-simulation platforms."

    https://ochre-docs-final.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ - OCHRE documentation
    • CommentTimeDec 23rd 2023 edited
    So back to HEM - the documentation I've read so far is pretty clear about how to run the program, but not so clear about the results or output. It seems to consist of a bunch of CSV files hidden away, and I suspect they must use something more sophisticated than a spreadsheet to interpret them.

    (although one cell in the results contains "Unit not defined (add to unitsDict hem.py)" which apparently should be "kWh" so I suspect there's a minor bug there. And another cell contains the text "DIV/0", which I suspect points to another bug)

    edit to add: For a good example of what's wrong with our government and its cronies see this page: https://www.cibse.org/weatherdata - needless to say, you can download the data they have the cheek to charge for free from other places)
    So the 2023 consultation said that the HEM software would replace SAP in 2025, together with an update of building regs to bring in the Future Homes Standard (to ban gas boilers among other things).

    However the FT are reporting that will all be delayed to 2027 (paywalled).

    There is no responses published yet to the 2023 consultation, so I guess this delay is not surprising.

    The HEM software still seems to still be work in progress, with updates published every few weeks.
    • CommentTimeNov 14th 2024
    When you say "updates published every few weeks", do you get notified of them? I confess I've lost touch with HEM.
    There's an open source repository where they are working on the software.


    I imagine somewhere on it there's an option to get notifications about new versions, but Im not skilled enough to do anything like that!

    IDK much about software development but I guess there needs to be time to publicize it, train users, set up help desks, do trials and validation, etc etc, as well as doing the techie coding stuff. Dunno when they expect to do all that.

    The delay is important because lots of things are supposed to be linked to using this software:

    -Next update of building regs
    -EPC reform
    -hence EPC enforcement
    -Scottish passiv-hoose

    These probably have other sources of delay apart from HEM, but we need them all now, not in 2027
    Using this thread as can't start a new one:

    The gov have launched a consultation on their plan to reform EPCs, both the certs themselves and the ecosystem of assessors and databases that go with them.


    Planned for "late 2026" to "coincide with the HEM software".
    • CommentTimeDec 4th 2024
    Looks like a good read.
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