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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
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    Is it a bodge to use this for fixing
    I think the heat under the tiles will degrade the foam over time.

    Expanding foam is useful stuff but not the universal solution that much of the building trade now seems to use it for.
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeMar 19th 2024
    Building regs now seem to require ridge and hip tiles to be mechanically fixed so foam alone would not pass
    Thanks for feedback.
    Expanding foam is used as a cheap loft insulation just below slates-does this degrade?
    Im hoping because its a reroofing old building they dont need mechanical fixingd
    • CommentAuthorGreenPaddy
    • CommentTimeMar 22nd 2024
    Would it not be worth while fixing securely with something like these?? No idea what ridge tiles you've got, but you'll find one to match the profile...


    If one comes off, and trashes a car, or someone's head, the judge may ask why Mr Bodgit thought foam was a good idea :cry:
    • CommentTimeMar 22nd 2024
    chrisinbrighton wrote: "Im hoping because its a reroofing old building they dont need mechanical fixing"

    See https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/manual-to-the-building-regulations :

    "Most building work carried out in England must comply with the Building Regulations. The legal term ‘building work’ generally includes ... ‘Renovation of thermal elements’ is also building work. This includes roofs or external walls. Those responsible for carrying out building work have a duty to meet the requirements of the Building Regulations."
    Thanks for information about mechanical fixings and building regs.
    Originally the ridge tiles were held on with lime motar and have lasted over 100 years. I can see that building regs for some things can be tweeked if its an old listed building.
    I looked at the mechanical fixings but with the ridge tiles I have (crested terracotta,no overlap) it seems dodgy having a stainless screw giving a lead in for water.

    I accept expanding foam is a bodge!
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