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    • CommentAuthorRex
    • CommentTimeApr 20th 2024
    What ho one and all,

    Following a leak (Drip Drip thread) from a SureStop mains stop-cock, I have found that a couple of the Ikea cupboard door hinges have rusted somewhat.

    It is not a problem replacing with the same Ikea named hinge, although the design is different and I assume they would fit.

    But my question is, would any other make of hinge fit Ikea doors? Basically, do all Blum hinges fit to the same temple?

    Thanks and toodle pip
    I have an Ikea kitchen and I wanted to change some hinges.I found that the generic Blum hinges available in the local shop didn't fit so I got some (expensive) ones from Ikea. If you have a standard Blum hinge somewhere try a swap to see if it will fit.
    • CommentAuthorRex
    • CommentTimeApr 21st 2024
    It is my guess that I may be OK as all the Ikea unit hinges, which where bought from Ikea around 13 years a go, have Blum stamped on them.

    Guess I have no other option but to buy new ones and try. I do see that Blum hinges on Amazon are considerably less expensive than hinges from Ikea. But the designs have changed.
    • CommentAuthorRex
    • CommentTimeApr 23rd 2024
    Seem to be able to buy the correct Ikea hinges (701.323.75) from many US based ebay sellers.. But of course, no-one in the US knows how to 'post' an item, so the UPS/DHL delivery charge is more than I am prepared to consider for a pair of hinges.
    • CommentTimeApr 23rd 2024
    Why not buy from a UK seller, so you can use your right to return if the products don't fit?

    Also, for the amount of money you're talking about, why not just get on and do it!
    • CommentAuthorbhommels
    • CommentTimeApr 23rd 2024
    And if it all fails, you could buy the blum drill template and the recess tool and fit the hinges in a slightly different position.
    • CommentAuthorRex
    • CommentTimeApr 24th 2024
    Thanks for the commnets. i am not going to order from a US source and have done so from a UK, for the very reason that I can return.

    But my initial question was, given that the hinge design has changed, and Ikea them selves, suggest a specific hinge with a specific door, is the design of all Blum hinges the same so that when the door is closed, everything lines up?
    Ikea would recommend their own hinges because they make a (big) profit on sales.
    The easiest way to find out if the standard Blum hinges fit is to try it out. You probably have some Blum hinges on a bit of furniture somewhere in the house so swapping to try should be a quick trial.

    The design of Blum hinges varies (angle of opening, soft closing etc.) but that doesn't stop the screw fixings and recess hole being in the same place - but they may not be. And then differences may be within the adjustment capabilities of the hinges - Try it out !
    • CommentTimeApr 24th 2024
    Posted By: RexBut my initial question was, given that the hinge design has changed, and Ikea them selves, suggest a specific hinge with a specific door, is the design of all Blum hinges the same so that when the door is closed, everything lines up?
    The answer to that is no.
    <blockquote><cite>Posted By: djh</cite><blockquote><cite>Posted By: Rex</cite>But my initial question was, given that the hinge design has changed, and Ikea them selves, suggest a specific hinge with a specific door, is the design of all Blum hinges the same so that when the door is closed, everything lines up?</blockquote>The answer to that is no.</blockquote>

    *of course* it wouldn't be. I'd not be surprised if Blum make a specific, slightly different, hinge just for Ikea for no good reason.
    Posted By: Simon StillI'd not be surprised if Blum make a specific, slightly different, hinge just for Ikea for no good reason.

    Other than to lock customers in to (over priced) original parts.
    • CommentAuthorphiledge
    • CommentTimeApr 27th 2024
    Not sure Ikea warrant these negative vibes.

    They actually do a free spares service for small parts. I've used it twice for bolts holding a kids bed together and for plastic shelf supports. All supplied and delivered free. Worth a look for the hinges but you need to find the IKEA part number from their instruction manual
    Not unique to Ikea but I find it annoying that lots of manufacturers either use slightly different parts to the generic bits to lock consumers into their branded (expensive) spares or buy in generic parts and repackage to sell on at a premium price. With the latter a failed part will often have a number on it where by an internet search can often reveal a much cheaper option for the same part.
    • CommentAuthorRex
    • CommentTimeMay 3rd 2024
    Thanks for the responses. Took delivery of a newer Blum hinge from Amazon, complete with a more complex soft closing mechanism built-in.

    It did fit all the various holes, but the plate the screws to the cabinet side is slightly different to the Ikea version. Ikea supply some plastic expanding plugs that fit into the pre-drilled holes, and the screws fit into these. The new plates did not have these plastic plugs and it was not possible to adapt the Ikea plug to fit.

    Also, the Ikea hinge conveniently locks into the main fixing hole by an expanding plug. The replacement did not and needed two new screw holes in the door.

    So returned for a refund.

    Given that the hinges have been installed for around 13 years and rusting during that time, I have decided to exchange the visible rusty hinge to a location where one does not see it, and replace with the non-rusty one. As that will probably rust over the next 13 years, by that time, I will be of an age where I will probably not be too concerned (or will have downsized!)
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